Unable to write in sign?

Won’t let me write:


Strange bug?

717 would be 1337 speak for a word that might also be blocked. Not sure never tried it. Lol

It’s written as it shows in the right in the text box. With them stacked. Just seems strange :joy:

Yea still would block it. You try goo kernel? Blocks that and any type of spelling with numbers as well in the same fashion. Same line or not. Blocks people from getting around the censor

We have a really enthusiastic profanity filter. It really loves doing it’s job. With a passion. It’s the Arnold Rimmer of profanity filters.

It’s basically seeing 7172 and thinking hmmm, 7 could be a t, 1 could be an i, and maybe 2 could be an s? Clearly this isn’t the case here… but that is why it’s masking it.


And goo kernel is picking up a bad term as well @james

I figured it would be this. I suppose I’ll try figure a way around it

Omg as if you referenced Goal Post head @james :laughing: :+1: been saying I need to build Red Dwarf since I started!

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