Upcoming changes to THE FUTURE OF FARMS + added farms

hello fellow players!

with hard work on investigating each possible biome
i created a (Tier 1) 6KM planet together with my girlfriend and tried to master the perfect farming planet
the only concern would have been the RNG, so far the RNG been on my side from what i have seen so far!

the plan is to create 1 big farm hub with portals to the farms that are created on that planet
better organization and a better official futuristic farm hub design .
the plan is also to bring back the region exp farm! in a slow pace and have also the farms connected to the regions,.i have had many ask me to bring back the region exp farm + many questions still on this day where it is currently is located…and with heavy heart always to say, sorry it closed…
also with the current project in mind (raxxian sanctuary) and with not much time on my hands it will be a early 2022 project this gives me also time to work on saving up oort for the projects to come

i will post screenshots here of the progress overtime


sneak peek of the new peat farm 10x7 plots the plan is to search all possible farms and plot it then work on them


Can you pls:

… Plott the shiny orb farm one plott higher?
So I don’t have to use the door, swim up to collect all, and swin down again. So I can grapple up, and keep farming…

… Build a storage in the wood n sap farm

… Set up a minter in the orb farm r
That you build for me and turri?
Of course I give you the Minter…

And coils :slight_smile:

Maybe there was more, but I can’t remember… Maybe tomorrow…


So I’ve done some investigation for HOST since You forgot to write which farm it is that You want changed my friend :slightly_smiling_face: (We have two shimmy farms on the planet Host and one on Refaja)

My investigation came to the conclusion (for me) that You are referring to the shimmy orb farm on “Host” where the beacon has no name.

[German]: Ich habe mal Nachforschungen betrieben für HOST, da Du vergessen hast zu erwähnen welche schillernde Orb Farm Du geändert haben möchtest, mein Freund :wink: (Wir haben doch 3 Schillernde Orb Farms, 2 auf Planet Host und eine auf Refaja)

Meine Untersuchungen kamen zu dem Schluss, (meine Meinung) dass Du Dich auf die Schillernde Orb Farm auf “Host” beziehst, dessen Leuchtfeuer keinen Namen trägt.

I think You mean this farm and want to farm like this, here the orbs and blocks would swim on top of the water //
Ich denke Du meinst diese Farm und möchtest wie im Bild farmen, so würden die Orbs und Blöcke oben auf schwimmen

Solution would be to leave the growth like in the picture and plot above, that is what you mean right? And also surely that farm? //
Die Lösung wäre das Gewächs so wie im Bild zu belassen, das ist was Du meinst richtig? Und Du meinst auch sicher genau diese Farm oder?



I hope you will build the box with the highest rating)

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I talk about that farm, where I’ve got a storage.
Erotikus is the name.
Guess I mean the other shiny orb farm

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i will sort that for you bro within the next few days :slight_smile: :fist_right: :fist_left:

i have not been on much and yet have to reply to some questions and posts on the forums and in-game
sorry for being inactive fellow boundless peeps

when i do have a little spare time I’m working on the new farm/region exp hub

current pic progress


planet host and its farms have already moved to the new hub
do note that the hub is still a W.I.P