**UPDATE** New T5 and T6 Planets portals up. Ultima Guild Bulletin

Putting the U.S. West Gateway on Till sucks. Till is a level 4 inhospitable world meaning you have cut off your network from all low level players who start in the west.

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that was though decision, but in long term this will be beneficial to everyone. sooner or later ppl will have at least 1 point in each resistance. and i made this decision to place it on till cause is less populated planet so there wont be world full problem there. i assumed that its better to have crippled vision but be able to enter hub then waiting 1 hour to get to the hub ;/ its a 2 edged sword :confused:

and i didnt cut it off from low lv players. ive created lv 1 character and went there to see if it is so hard to nagivage. it is not. even without resistance u have like 2-3 minutes before u start getting damaged by atmosphere. and visibility is crippled, however not to the degrtee that u cans see anything :confused:


Can confirm, no resistances and able to safely travel the portals. You may have a problem if the portal doesn’t load but it’s on Till to prevent exactly that.


:slight_smile: thank you for this comment :slight_smile: i hope more ppl will realise this :smiley: ^^ appreciate it man:slight_smile:


I appreciate all the portals, a lot. Thanks again. Btw if you wanna deal with the blurred vision thing for newcomers you could always have the main portalframe back to aquahub made out of gleam as a rule of thumb for people that get lost easily. I dunno, just coining things here if people find the blurring hard.


some new screenies :smiley: o fthe Ultima Guild City and The Aquarius Network HQ :smiley:


Hash is confirmed Tobelawe. Knows what is best for us :wink:

wut? i think i missed something @wolfpack2012

Nice work on the redesign @Hashmalash. The new layout is great and easy to understand.


Beautiful work on both the city and the transit system. Cant believe my luck to have been granted to live here. Its simply impossible for me to run 20 meters in this town, without looking up and around and smile. Great work on everything, guys.


Lol I remember when I first started playing, was wandering around Finata killing spitters and saw some purple dots on my compass… which I followed and turned out to be this massive city :joy:

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hehe :smiley: well i didnt expect that this city will grow that fast :smiley:

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Do Ultima Aqua Hub Inc have discord?

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https://discord.gg/pBZtDJE yes we do :slight_smile:


Hello everyone

Its been a while since anything new came up :slight_smile:

Heres a portion of some spicy news from Ultima Guild City and Aquarius Network Hub!!

  1. Gleam Show Room is now open! Its a dark room with all gleams avaiable currently in the game in seperate boxes, so you can go and check its natural color in night and dark enviroment. Here are screenies :slight_smile:

As u can see on the images quite a selection. Also u can find information next to each gleam color on which planets u can find this specific color :slight_smile: Come and visit ^^

  1. Serpensarindi Gate was moved due to some blockage by other players. So, while i moved the hub a lil bit further i also did some tweaking to it :slight_smile: Now its way bigger and it have portals for players! and its completly secure from monsters :slight_smile:

  2. Shedu Tier Gate was also remodelled and now its a lot bigger space with guidelines of gleams for ppl who dont have correct resistances. Now those ppl can find Alcyon and Cardass portals by following the gleam markers in the flooring :slight_smile: Same was done on US West Gateway Hub. Now ppl without resistances can see the markings to the main gate :slight_smile:
    Hope this helps ^^

Have fun! And as always, thanks for your support and feedback!!!


Ive been there when it wasn’t finished yet, i’ll take a look again tomorrow :smiley: great idea

So does your gleam show room still have that giant hole at the back of the first row? I ask because i almost died falling into it the other day lol…

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lil bit outdated already cause ppl are building like crazy here :D:D

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Hello friends,

New planets already connected to the hub!!! All 6 new planets are avaiable though Besevrona Gate on Finata.
Signs not done yet but im sure you guys can find your way around :slight_smile:

Happy exploring :slight_smile:


nope its not there for past month :smiley: