Utility plots

I started playing boundless just after c++ so for for me there has always been world regen. What I have seen in older videos is long roads which are a great idea but seems impractical with plots as they are now.
What about adding guild owned utility plots? You would only be able to build roads with them. No machines shelvs ect. Each guild would only have so many depending on how many people were in it. Each plot would only be able to touch three other plots. This would allow for crossroads but not building’s.
Normal plots could be built above or below them. I can imagen amazing roads bridges and tunnels dotted with player homes and structures.
Thoughts? :motorway:


Sounds interesting to me. Not really out of place, because I also had the idea of interconnecting larger settlements over a graeter distance. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you more because I haven’t figured out yet how time consuming it is as a whole to gather normal plots. It could turn out that trade boosts the gathering of plots after having set up your first base. If the plot acquisition would rise exponentially, utility plots might be obsolete. Just a thought (mind that mining gathers plots by hit and not per break, so plot-bar rises ina consistent way, except the bonus plots each 10th level, disregarding any used tier of tools. It could speed up by rising for every broken stone/resource).

I like the plot amount idea - in relation to the amount of guild-players.
The trading aspect of the game makes a road system really important not only for navigation and orientation. So I believe your idea is actually great. A road-beacon could “mark” a set up road as such. In order to maybe provide buffs like faster running speed.



I really like the idea of building automated trade routes between towns, guilds, etc. Sure you could build a portal between A and B and carry the cargo yourself. But what if there was a vehicle which took the coal from A to B while you were off doing something else or offline.

Plus it leaves it open to some additional components. Like raiding or defending a vehicle on transit.

One for the future I think. :thinking:


@Zouls proposed them a few times already if I remember correctly.

I’d say we need to solve the problem that the plots are so unflexible at the moment first. Before we can even think about additional beacon variations.

Man I wasn’t even thinking about vehicles that would be cool.
I was more thinking along the lines of city management. I foresee that powerful guilds will be the center of most city’s and it will be in there best interest to maintain good roadways and trade routes.
I maintain two road spaces in each market I am set up in but am also out of plots for my build. As a member of my city’s guild I could perhaps generate utility plots for guild use.
caravans sounds fun. :mountain_railway:

That’s a great idea!


I think limiting the number of plots touching these “utility” plots is a neat idea, meaning you can use the same plots inside a city and outside for roads.

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I haven’t been around the forum to see if this was already suggested or not, but it does seem like a good idea. I agree with one of the comments above stating that the plotting system needs to be worked on first in order to support different variants of a “plot”. If they remove the plots they have for the Z, or vertical, axis with building plots, and add something like a roadway plot with a longer x or y axis, it could be possible. The only issue is that it may require changing a lot of the foundation programmed for the current plot system.

There would need to be a reason to use this type of cargo transport rather than just walking or taking a portal. A vehicle type of trade should be able to hold more items than your inventory can, and it would be much harder to take down than a single person. This could also go hand in hand with a reputation system. The more your guild makes successful trades, the higher their “trade stat” is. If a player escorts a vehicle, the higher their personal reputation would become with that guild. You could be able to set yourself as a cargo escort, to prevent raids. If you would leave cargo while on escort, your personal trade stat would lower (at some point, if you leave escort enough, you would not be allowed to escort until you reach a higher trade stat). If players were to raid cargo, the loot would go to the guild they belong to, or to themselves if they don’t belong to a guild. Upon being defeated while raiding cargo, your reputation with the cargo owners guild would lower (if a single guild raids another enough, the raiding guilds trade reputation would lower).

On a side note, interplanetary trade could be done using trade centers (one per planet), and a cargo launcher (like a moonshot cannon from borderlands) to send large amounts of cargo between planets.

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At this point the discussion have changed to revolve around 2 different topics the original idea of plots focused for roads and utility and the concept of trade caravans. Would people mind terribly if I split it of so we had 2 seperate threads?


That would be ok with me :+1:

Thats fine