We need a black block

We need a black block. #BlackBlock


OmG I tots agree!!! Please include it with the new worlds!


But there is a Black Block, its called Compact Hard Coal.


How about black sand. That would be beautiful.


Just a matter of new worlds… Whenever they come :joy:
EDIT: this is black sand @Sharkysaur … its literally completely black :joy:


maybe like @Heureka always wanted some marble black and white
and this one is mixed with gold our copper



@willcrutchley maybe if it was a tad lighter than true black. But shouldn’t even the black sand react to lighting with the lighter glittering grain texture?


There is a tiny amount of glitter grain stuff, but not much :joy:

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What would navy blue look like?
Hex: 0C0636

I don’t think there is an index for navy blue, so I can’t really test that. All the blues seem to be pretty light

Too bad, thanks for trying looking.

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actually trying to use that entirely black block in-game in a proper build would be… pretty disastrous to the HDR system! :stuck_out_tongue: (if there was too much of the black block on screen everything else would start whiting out pretty badly as it tries (and fails) to equalise the screen since the black block will never get brighter no matter what)


It’s a black hole block!

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ohh that’s sad to hear :frowning:

so basically
colours only, no black & white blocks :’(

I think he means that there can be no absolute black or white blocks. Things can get close, like refined meta, but they need contrast to equalize.

yes, much like real life. There is no such thing as a “black” object in real life, technically even a black hole is not “black” because it gives out a degree of hawking radiation (though it’s as close as we could ever get I’m sure). We can have “dark” blocks which when not under bright light conditions would “look” black sure.

There is nothing wrong with a “white” block though, only that it would only “look” white under bright lighting conditions, since a white object with no light is still going to be dark, “any” object under bright enough lighting conditions will look “white”.

Realistically, the palettes the game uses will never use the RGB colour “white” or “black” as the base of the block, because we always want to have shadow/highlight colours to detail the blocks/objects, and then we will never allow “pure” black because of the rendering issues it causes for HDR, but certainly there will be dark and bright colours.

The current working palette for the next iteration (still subject to change) is like this (the left showing with highlights/lowlight colours for the 3-color gradients all the blocks work with) and the darkest/brightest grey-like colour on a refined gleam block (no lighting here, this is the diffuse colour only), note that there “is” a pure black in the top-left of the palette grid, but this is not part of the palette, as the palette is 255 colours (not 256!) and 255 colours dont fit into a box without leaving a gap ;p


Ah… color theory, how I love thee. :smiley:

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But… black gleam… is so… pretty…


Okay those do look very nice.