Weapon/Tools skills not displaying correctly on tooltips after the patch

My miner has 5/5 in hammer mastery, 8/8 power, damage epic and hammer epic however on the hammer tooltip I’m only gaining the 135% damage boost from power and the damage epic. I’m not getting damage or action speed from the hammer skills.
Same issue with axe/shovel on the gatherer.
Can’t test any of the other skills as I don’t have them on any character

Hammer skills;

135% and no speed;

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WOOF. If true, this ruins mining until its fixed

Added a couple screenshots to show my skills and that I’m not getting damage or action speed.

I should have +1295 damage and +22 action speed if my math is correct

please confirm: is this just a UI/Display issue, or does it actually no longer affect the damage when you actually hit a block?

Yeah Simoyd is right. If its ui only its less of an issue

Needs confirming, should be easy to unspec it or switch toons and test the same hammer with and without the skills

I went and whacked a few things and it looks like it’s just a UI issue thankfully. My hammer still hits sand harder than my axe and trees harder than my shovel :smiley:

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Good news!

Thanks for the report. We’ll have a fix for this soon.