Went to check out Duskmoor -- here is what I saw

Read the posts of Duskmoor and was going okay, what is the big deal of this place? I need a break from being inside and digging, and digging and digging and . . .

So went to check it out. And had to take some photos. This is what I saw that made me go this is a great place, I hope it stays as beautiful.

Don’t know what it is supposed to be, but looks cool !

This photo does not do this build any justice, you have to go and check it out, it is AWESOME ! Great job whoever built it!

One huge built that is awesome and one jewel that is heartwarming, looks like a home that was placed there to bring a smile to a face, at least it did to me. Great job for whoever built that home.

Was trying to get a photo of the shapes, objects hanging in this area and these two planets just insisted they be in the photo.

Another fantastic build, hard to get a full image, some of the builds are very close together, go and hunt it up, part of the fun was running around going and thinking oooohhh, aaaahhhh, oh myyyyyy,. on all the different places, designs, artistic beauty and I think you will be glad to have taken the time to do so, I know I did.

Final one, this one made me think of my mom; lost her a few years ago. She used to make quilts and I saw this and thought, patchwork quit, the bits and pieces left over to make a nice wrap on a cool day.


That is really incredible, truly shows the amazing wonder that is Boundless… :slight_smile: Great shots Janna, thanks for taking and sharing them! It is always good to take a little break and just go out wandering and take things in.


Great place … to get lost. :grin:


LOL yep, I got lost, but that was okay, now we can just go to the sanctum and go back home and not have to worry about it. I now am more willing to go and explore places I wouldn’t have gone to before and that is one change I wish they had put in a Long time as it is so helpful.

I took a lot more images and bought some stuff at some of the shops, ores at a fair price and a couple other items. Just enjoyed the beauty of that great city.


Where is this beauty? Thanks for showing us all! As well I’m terribly sorry of your moms passing, I (unfortunately) now truly understand the horror of that. Peace & comfort to you


Beautiful pics…so many creative and nice peeps in Boundless…so sorry about your mom, I understand completely, lost my mom in 2016 to cancer.


Exact locations of what was were I have no idea. I just wandered around and was going this is a gem of a city, I gotta take some photos and let others see some of the great things here. Didn’t’ post them all, the gothic type church, the trees that looked like they had pastel cotton candy for leaves (at least to me) the different shapes hanging in the air that were so very artistic looking, buildings of all styles from country setting, to cottages, fancy estate manors, so much to see and I know I missed a lot of the great builds that are there. It was hard to pick what ones to show.

On my mom, we had plenty of time, in a way, to prepare. She was in the hospital for 3 months and we knew she may not make it. She was 86, water on her lungs, tests showed she had cancer again, the gangrene had set back in her intestines.

She had in the past had to have emergency surgery and they left five feet total of her colon, told us she wouldn’t live through the night, she did, told us she would be in ICU for six weeks, she was out in six days, told us she would be in the hospital for 3 months, she was out in 3 weeks. Told us she would be dead in 10 years, she lived 35 years. I went into labor while she was still in the hospital and had my son and the day I was released to take him home we stopped to let her see her new grandson and she was being released that day.

Anyhow, I still miss her but we were ready to let her go.

You have my sympathy for you also on your loss, it gets easier to accept as time goes by, you never get over the loss, but more able to accept it. When it is unexpected, that can make it worse I am sure.


Wow, awsome pictures. Thanks for stopping by our slice of heaven, glad you enjoyed it.


Very beautiful pics!!! I’m definitely going to take a run over there and check things out!! I heard the community over there is ALWAYS active and really nice peeps.


Duskmoor is on Pheminorum, we are a large city, with a large population of active players. Our core belief is that people should express themselves. Our plots are free for settling, we just like to control city planning a bit… Janna55 Im so happy you enjoyed your journey there, our community is play it forward and we truly do try to stay very active in discord voice and make everyone feel like family.


It is a beautiful city. I need to go back there as it is not only beautiful but it was de-stressing which I need right now.

I’m more into the older builds, from way back instead of modern but even those have their own beauty.

I did a glance at the shops and they had some nice ones set up and plenty of room it looked like for more. It is builds like that which I feel deserve the footfall, they give a gift that is not just providing a place to shop but a place to wonder and be awed by the imagination of others, the beauty of blending functional with artistic talent.

Highly recommend that players just go and visit to see what is there even if they don’t want to do some shopping.