What are the best public sovereign mines in the boundlessverse currently?

Both in stats/numbers and in personal opinion as to how concentrated the mining spots are

Post for any resource. Tech, ore, coal, gems, fossils. Plug your favorite sovereigns!

@whitelet @bucfanpaka


Thanks!! :smiley: I haven’t gotten to test other public ones too much yet (I’m sure there are better) so I’ll just plug my own for the time being. :slight_smile:

I have my T6 mine network linked to Paka’s Palace, Alcyon, access via TNT Alcyon. Only thing I don’t have linked is a shock, but my sapphire mine on my chill has an ok bit of topaz and some topaz spots around. I’ll still probably try for a shock around Alcyon but all the coin tosses on that have gone towards Norkyna. But I put some tokens to some Norkyna-linked ones on a stand there.

Good T6 diamond mines are pretty profitable, between that and hard coal, but I think the winner for profits on all you get is to get a good primary amethyst area with emerald overlapping into it. I’ve got some regions like this on my linked corrosive, Proserpina. Pure emerald regions seem pretty bare of other stuff, though on toxics they may have larger seams. My advice whether you use mine or another - find the amethyst/emerald edge and mine right along it. I just bought another corrosive to test a few more biomes, if it works out well might have another temp mine there.

Edit: Nothing special on the test one I just did so I may not finalize the colors and do a no-rock temp mine. Planet is Ragnarok, and I got Alcyon for it so may open a portal and do that, though not right away.

Most important things for me: few caves/lava and decent sized area. My mines might not be the best out there, but I’ve got 99c atlases in all them now, and they’re all at least decent, I think. Also all Miners Guild members can use the equipment in them.

Got some tokens to other resources there too, and some portals are to gleam (I have a few T1 gleam farms scattered around too).

For a profitable farming area for a few other things, the island tree biome is EXCELLENT, and I have some portals/tokens to those, I need to add one that is for the largest area of it I’ve seen in the game so far. The tops of the canopies can be covered in Trumpet Roots (all the beans) and Glow Caps. The products of those are easy sales. Very good profit margin for the time and tool wear.


Thank you! I do recommend our planets rough gems, :roughemerald:, :roughdiamond:, :roughamethyst:, :roughsapphire: for gem mining. They’re not insanely high, but decently high, in number. and the reason I like them is the density and the yield, especially the emerald and sapphire ones.

@KArios might be able to comment more on this since she’s a much better miner than I am.

All of them are accessible from either TNT Shedu - EZPZ or TNT Houchus - EZPZ


@Lesioui 's planet (Elban) is pretty good for diamond mining.
And I have a decent amount of sapphire in pretty good concentration on my planet (Vandi 1)

Elban is accessible from TNT Shedu Tier (iirc)
Vandi for now is accessible from the settlement Land of the dead on Alnitans (easy way to get there is the deathgate portal in the Sasquatch hunt lobby)