What can village admins do?

Just want to say, Xanotos has been most gracious through all this. My original post was just a generic fear of losing all my stuff before I could move (had he asked).

I like the idea of buying a town plots of certain sizes. This solves some problems and gives some power to the mayor to decide who’s in and who’s out. It also empowers the Mayor to determine who goes where so nobody can block their long term plans. Assuming Mayor has some way to distribute plots such as editing a beacon to define size and owner.

Town plots can come in a variety of sizes ranging from small (100x100) to the entire planet. These options (or perhaps the larger ones) should be unlocked and then purchased as add-ons so you have to earn them first.

What happens when you grow into someone who is unwilling to join your town? I think they get forcefully consumed by the town if they are within proximity and not a part of any other town. They get taxed and rewarded based on town status like all other townies.

What happens when the mayor doesn’t like what you’re doing or they just want to be a jerk and move you out of the way of their new plans?

  • Could give the mayor the option of removing your town bonuses to discourage you from being a member of the town.
  • Could give the mayor the option of reclaiming plots when the beacon flame runs out.
  • Could force the mayor to buy back the plots and every block at some painfully high price so the kicked out user gets a ton of cash which mayors should be reluctant to do so. They could also take a large prestige hit as well and have their town status show the number of people kicked out.

Good stuff right there :slight_smile: Although I’d go more in direction that James pointed out i.e. nobody can mess with your build after the fact, that’s why I said town/city/settlement has to have size from the start, if expansion is to happen it would have to respect any existing build. That way core of the city would accommodate certain designs but suburbs would be more varied :slight_smile:

I don’t think major should have a power to kick you out, first if your build is based on certain requirements, as city beacon would propagate mayor can’t complain about that, and anything else is matter of personal issues. If somebody builds something offensive, that’s another thing, that can be reported to devs or in upcoming report system.


Makes sense. Although, I’d debate what happens when a town grows into a non-town subscriber. I feel like they should get consumed if not a part of another town. That’s the risk of not joining an existing town. Perhaps the mayor defined build requirements don’t apply to non-residents but the county taxes do and that person is considered a member of the town for macro tracking purposes.

I’m actually not big on the mayor dictating style though. I think it’s a monstrous undertaking for devs and I’d rather have some more monsters, tasks and back-story before additional governance (outside of town plots).


haha true, all that stuff is far more interesting :slight_smile:

It would be nice if becons had a choice of joining towns

I like this response, I think on public worlds - as long as people are aware of how the beacon/plots per levels work in advance - a guild wanting to create a city would be able to gather all members and beacon-lock a plot for developing their settlement in. Given how many plots you get on levelling up, a group should have a substantial amount of land combined. Or simply have their own server.