Just outside the DragonsLair Hub, to the NE.
That layout looks familiar lol! Still restoring my sons.
found a website
made a circle
not in Boundless exactly but looking at the Forum and suddenly realized this
and i think, as a player with over 5000 hours playtime i have right to ask
Quo Vadis, Boundless?
I planned out where I am moving my base. It is not too far from where my base is now but it will all be under my pc character’s plots.
Lost my farm because i took a little break.
Planning on building above ground this time.
I missed building.
Not sure if i am going to start up my hub again. Maybe.
Haven’t been able to log in cause PlayStation has been down. So last night I did some planning on paper for the reapers trials.
Did a little building as usual.
Then checked out what moon and pirate Jim were building.
Then Jim got a love party going at the dragon hub. Luring passers by to exchange flowers. Cycled through my alts getting hearts and having some good laughs. Twas a good evening.
working at my new color display storage
opened portal to my WIP area - Dzassak RTG hub - unnamed portal next to Ker Tadigkoz
It was a good time. A lot of hearts were exchanged. A lot of love was spread.