What we are working on in Folva

so I have been having fun with gleam in my cathedral


Looks really cool - but I have to admit my first thought when I saw the 1st screen shot was: “oh no - someone is using the gleam to create a dance floor!”. On second thoughts - WHY hasn’t anyone made a disco dance floor yet???


a cave temple under a Cathedral


It looks waaaaayyyyyy better in “real”. You guys should really check it out. I extended my road to Mittekemuis castle. Just go to the capital and follow my yellow gleam road till a crossroad and go right (left you will come to me and who would want that ;D ). It takes circa 5-7 minutes till you reach her castle :smiley: but dont overlook the view from my road

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another set of pictures from a work in progress


The mitte-preda magic team :smiley:

We should really hire someone to make a theme song for us :smiley: But yeah thanks for helping me mitte :slight_smile:
btw the front towers and the color of the dragon is going to change soon :slight_smile: And I’ll add some more trees too :smiley:

It was a long hard way to get there :smiley:
thanks again to everyone who helped removing the mountain :smiley:


damn that looks pretty amazing! Looks like that mtn clearing was worth it XD

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I love the first screenshot :slight_smile: I still have to improve my tree though :confused:

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also the fountain needs water :wink:

visiting Turakae :smile:

Call me the Floki of oort :blush:


always a pleasure to have you around Mittekemuis :smile:

I thought I revive this topic with it’s beautiful builds.
Some new members could be impressed.

Could imagine this would also be interesting in some youtube vids of our streamers?

Of course just with allowance of the outer.
Think great work was done here and shows up the possibilities of the game.
Especially the “light games” can be underlined.

Well @Mittekemuis doesn’t play anymore sadly :c
But I’d love to show some interested people around :smiley:

Would love to see it @Predatoxic & @Smoothy…if there are epic places I’m ready to feature them on my channel. :wink:


Well there are a lot awesome places. If you want to follow that plan to show them, maybe tell everyone in your topic New To Boundless- Episode Series (Videos) & Saying Hi!, that persons can PM you and tell you coordinates + screenshots with places worth to show.

I already thought of videos that are nice cutscenes with a few seconds of many diverse places / biomes.
But that’s hell of work I guess. Since I’m not a movie maker, I don’t really know what I’m talking about…

Actually I think I’ll start a new thread with a more specific title for what you mentioned…great idea!

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thats why I keep looking for gleam and there’s no left in the world xD very cool screenshots