What's the background story of Beckon?

its explained here if ya read from top off post

the embassy was founded as a temporary settlement (until dev’s launch the oortians public worlds) to have a place to level up until we start building aquatopia it kinda exploded into a massive place
we had no rulez and regulations in the embassy for moment we do have voted on a official main road design but implementing this into a city with zero regulations is kinda insane lool
but dont worry we might be a little dormant but we come back strong
we also work together with @Hashmalash who worked his butt off with many others to create the aquarius network
wich is also the name off the planet the aquatopians are waiting for
at the moment i keep myself busy with a aquatopian gametown and the temple del universum ( public location library) all at the aquatopian information center at the embassy hub

whats you seeing in the embassy is sorta like the city therkamarket in EA but thats another story :smile:

ow and what creegle says our main rule was always no rushing and having fun :grin:

i think you be suprised how many players will pop up once we start our city :muscle:

i guess aquatopians build big embassy’s lool

also the release off game came with a big hype
i think its for the good the embassy calmed down
takes out the people with big plans that disapears and the real lovers off the game remain to do something epic :wink: