When you enable beta versions of c++ gives an error-creategamesession failed with status:401 error

when you enable beta versions of c++ gives an error-creategamesession failed with status:401 error
the regular version works well,but c++ does not start
what to do?

@michaelb, can you help?

Similar issue to this one. [Resolved] Cant launch normal boundless after installing C++

Yes the as link above says you need to choose the ‘launch C++’ option.

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I tried,does not work,same error

Don’t use your desktop-shortcut (common mistake - the shortcut does not work with the c++ build). You need to right-click in your steam library on “boundless” > “launch c++”.

I tried,still error

You’re not giving us enough information to help diagnose the information.

At a minimum you should share the log file Boundless generates whilst running.

For the C++ version of the game on Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbulenz\Boundless\boundless_game_log.txt

Please create a Gist and share the link here.