Where are the portals in PixelGate (HUEHUE...HUEH)

I think I ran past there the other day! I remember seeing your name on one of the buildings.

snicker wimpffenni snicker

Okay, that might not be the real name of it, it’s what I call it in my head. Pretty much with the same snicker.

The names of the regions are pretty great. I’ve been to your place in Epsilo (I remember the floating gleam looked like lanterns floating away) but can’t remember the name of your region.

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I hardly know myself – only that it’s not Scha-Quarter-Mannheim, sadly, which is nearby but not nearby enough :cry:

That’s what it’s called, though. I assume it’s named for Bad Wimpfen, Germany

Oh, I don’t doubt that the name is real and justified! It’s just my inner 12-year-old showing; don’t mind it…

I keep meaning to look up some of the other geo-names. Some of them are recognizable enough, but is a horti a real thing? Or a collis?

Where I to take a stab at it, I’d say a “horti” has a lot of plants, and a “collis” has a lot of hills.

Oh, I didn’t even think of plants for horti. Maybe because I insist on living on an iceberg as far from them as possible…Good one.

I’ve only come across a few Collis…is…esss.es…Colles? and they seemed to be very deep very narrow holes in the ground/ice that go down to lava caves. Though I suppose there were some hillish things around them. Hmm.

Also, for anyone else who was wondering but, like me, was too lazy/distractible to Wikipedia:

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That’s me when a Haskell programmer says “monad.”


So, here’s how I sort it out:

Campus : countryside
Horti: lots of plants
Nemus: pasture, grove, or glade
Scopulus: containing escarpments
Palus: swampy

Oh, who am I fooling? Someone on the dev team (maybe all of them) took Latin. :smile:

Seems like it shares its PIE root with Latin for “column” – which is more what I’d expect, just going by the feature I found while exploring. Looked exactly like a subtracted column.

I am trying very hard to resist the wikipedia rabbit hole and you are not helping :face_with_monocle:

I dunno, I live in the States but grew up on Enid Blyton and Dorothy Sayers…so I tend to assume that everyone in England lives on a farm and bicycles to work drinking ginger beer while declaiming lines of Latin. No?

Edit: I haven’t even come across a Nemus or Scopulus or Palus in game, that I can recall! I…really must be avoiding plants.

What do you figure for Astragalus, btw?

Well, it wants to look like something with stars, but I don’t think it is. Kinda looks like an ankle and heel of the foot to me.

I’d believe something with stars. Hanging stars, maybe? I can’t remember if those places with the single gleams hanging from the underside of floating rocks go with Astragalus-names or no.

But also, I have discovered that the magic of wiktionary will let me find a half-plausible etymology for just about anything.

Hello, new player here. Just started this week.

I’m on Solum, (this is a test server??) and I went wandering around today.

I found both Krackendown and Pixelgate but I have to say it felt like I’d come after the plague or the great planetary emigration had happened. I didn’t see a single other person in hours of play. Krackendown is sort of near where I’m setting up my main campus (someday I hope it to be a shining city). Pixelgate I found by accident when I wandered into a mysterious building set into the mountain and walked through a portal.

I’d love the experience of meeting other players and learning from them… but I can’t seem to find anyone, just their deserted plots!

What do…?

Not necessarily. Planet Solum is cloned into the test version, but it is also active in the live version as well. When you launch boundless from your steam library, it should just say “boundless”. If it says “boundless [testing]” you are in fact on the test version.

As for finding players, your compass should display a player icon that is different from the beacon icon- this tracks the last known location of a player every (5? More? Less?) minutes. Pursuing these icons will often result in player encounters.

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Hi @Glassfire! I had that same issue, except I never found Pixelgate. I’m new too, and just moved to Krackendown. I’m online frequently there and would be happy to meet you. I heard that most people in the town work 9-5hr jobs. So, they probably come online at night or weekends. I met a passerby in the town yesterday and they were super nice. People here in the forums are helpful and supportive too. So if you decide not to join Krackendown, I’m sure others can recommend groups and guidance for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the info on the compass, Havok! I mostly just use it to find home. Since I haven’t seen other players, I wouldn’t have known that.

I work a 9-5, too Miragazi (or rather, 7-4.30, ugh). Sure would be glad to meet up!

Meeting up would be cool. I think I’m on Solum’s live server. It sounded earlier like you wanted to build a city one day? Whenever that day comes, I’d love to help out. I’ve seen some great builders in this community who I’m sure would love to help too.