Where is the longest staircase in boundless?

Needs to be a straight staircase not a spiral staircase. Something I can run continuously down.

Though Kralith’s all-colors staircase might work. How do I get there again?

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I have a 30 plot ice ramp with a regular ramp on both sides in Blood City Horizon on Raxxa if that helps…? Entrance is near ground level on the left.

Also if you need I can set up a portal loop that brings you back the top

I think the foot fall slide has a staircase… but i dont remember where that is.

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It has to be stairs not a ramp.

@xyberviri all of Kaplah’s have zigzag stairs, I need straight stairs. Staircase to heaven style. Though it can be underground

Footfall slide in illuminaughty has stairs that go up and down on both sides @DKPuncherello

But do they zigzag? Or are they straight?

I’m so bummed about all my spark though, donno if I feel like making a video now :confused: maybe in a few days.

They are straight

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