Where To report racist player plz

Racist should never exist, please

French is not a race… so I wouldn’t call it racist, really, no matter what he/she may have claimed :wink: If he called you out for being green, or purple… that would probably be racist (I really don’t know colour of your in game character, mine is green by the way). And I don’t really care of any players real life race :man_shrugging:

But if you want, report him in game. There is this option to report in game.

BTW. By showing his/her name here on forums you are violation Code of Conduct: Boundless Code of Conduct No naming and shaming on forums. So please remove the screenshot, and report in game.

So your game tolerate racist il screenshot what u say to post it on square enix

Use the in game report function, reports are not handled here which is why this post has been locked and hidden.