Oorto is lost! Can you spot where he’s been?
(Easy mode enabled.)
Oorto is lost! Can you spot where he’s been?
(Easy mode enabled.)
Whaaaat??? Now you’re just playing games with us, huh?
Minimap or what?
edit: devlog at this time? Hm…
I can work out a couple of them …
1 - @Pseudonym84’s Bathhouse at Elop Portas
2 - New Berlyn by @Havok40k
3 - @Pseudonym84’s HopperDrome at Elop Portas
4 - Pixel Gate - Solum
5 - Big Boundless Sign on Septerfon
6 - @Pois0n Tower at Elop Portas
7 - Elop Portas - Top of Jeff’s Temple
8 - Hub at Elopor - https://www.instagram.com/p/BQkNliUlFJH/
9 - @Scratchnwiff Cathedral at Elop Portas
10 - Oort Temple - Pixel Gate - Solum
11 - @H3yjo, @TIGERMAIKS and @spoygg builds at Elop Portas
11 is elop portas @H3yjo and mine builds
3 hopperdrome
Feel free to edit my post - I made it a wiki
Added some places to the list. Not sure about number 5 though
I think 6 is @Pois0n place? near jeff place in elop portas
Yeah, I thought that too. Not sure, haven’t been around his place that much
Legends say that we’re going to find Oorto where the 12th pic has be taken…
Well yes this comment is useless, didn’t even visited these places yet feelsbadman
yes right
9 is @Scratchnwiff place
7 is my place for sure
Damnit, one short! I must… find… out…
Isn’t 8 @Wichall 's place on thurka?
I don’t think so. I spent a lot of time there while building Cloud City. It’s mostly Refined Metaphoric, and there are multiple builds off the side of it.
Wichall’s placenis on Munteen isn’t it?
He might have a place on Munteen, though his big build is on Therka.
His portal system?
He had 4 or more portals setup at his place on Therka. @Sevio was keeping them running for a while. I know one went to Munteen, but I didn’t spend all that much time exploring them.
This should be the full list:
1 - @Pseudonym84’s Bathhouse at Elop Portas
2 - New Berlyn by @Havok40k
3 - @Pseudonym84’s HopperDrome at Elop Portas
4 - Pixel Gate - Solum
5 - Big Boundless Sign on Speterfon
6 - @Pois0n Tower at Elop Portas
7 - Elop Portas - Top of Jeff’s Temple
8 - Hub at Elopor - https://www.instagram.com/p/BQkNliUlFJH/
9 - @Scratchnwiff Cathedral/Traders Parish at Elop portas
10 - Oort Temple - Pixel Gate - Solum
11 - @H3yjo, @TIGERMAIKS and @spoygg builds at Elop Portas
Nice detective work there @Dzchan94!
That build at #8! I’ll have to visit that sometime. No idea how I’ve missed it.