Which Skill needed for alphabet bricks?

What skill do you need to make alphabet bricks?

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Alphabet bricks are not craftable in game. Players have received them as gifts from devs just like water source buckets and different colors of gleam
EDIT: if anyone is still reading this thread, they are not dev gifts. They were craftable, and assumptions usually end up with you being wrong lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think you can play with them in world builder too.

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Thanks, that would explain why I couldn’t find a skill to let me make them.

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Glyph bricks and alphabet bricks were craftable a year ago actually, although the latter was just a placeholder; they have been withdrawn then for rework.

I wasn’t aware alphabet bricks have been gifted to anyone - if that’s true I’d love to see a screenshot (just curious how they look like atm).


old glyph bricks on the wall to the left (next to blue gleam)


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I wasn’t aware that they were craftable at a certain point! It makes sense since they say rare crafted item if you right click on one in your inventory. It was just an assumption that they were dev gifts since I have seen several builds with glyph bricks, but not enough to look like someone had bulk or mass crafted them. Sorry for the misinformation! @Oggieogham

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I have a few spares if you’d like to use them and look at them from close. That wall there on the screenshot has been stripped and I used a few in my portal frame competition build and I could give away some.

Players felt that these blocks were lackluster considering the complex materials that were used to craft them… (Especially considering the alphabet block was/is a white box with its programming name on it :rofl:)

here’s a pic of what they look like now… along with natural crystals which are also not obtainable for the moment =/


so, nothing new - just the way I have crafted it year ago
(yeah, only natural crystals turned from placeholder to new nice shape, although still bugged when in storage)


Devs, Please bring back the glyph bricks and the alphabet bricks!!! :purple_heart: