Why do you post when you leave the game?

Hey, just curious.
Why do you need to tell everyone you are quitting? What if you come back?
Don’t you think you look stupid?

How about just leave, We all know your gonna be back. I’ve seen a few of you come back after you quit the game.
Do us all a favour, if you don’t like the game quit. Don’t tell anyone.
Just exit side door


Wondered the same not long ago too, lol.

Not really seeing that many leaving posts.
Ironically I notice more posts like these, but that might be because they makes me pause and wonder why someone would bother starting such a post :man_shrugging:
Guess you must feel strongly about such things.
Why am I posting this?
Do I feel that strongly about you feeling that strongly about someone else feeling that strongly that they have to quit?
nah…just taking a break from building :+1:

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Set off topic, the thread is unnecessary, everyone moves on in their own way. as long as it’s within rules there is nothing to worry about. :+1:


Seems You Feel The Same Way For Posting Your Post

Side door huh, hahaha

Another leaving post

Sorry guys, I got a lot of things to do today. I’ll be back tomorrow

(I’m sorry but the post came up so I had to do it)

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Honestly I vote just say ur done playing and say what will happen to ur things don’t say why because it’ll only spark debate

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Is debate a bad thing? The spark of debate is often what leads to the fires of innovation.

Its true that it may be uncomfortable, but only by hammering things out and working through rough patches (impurities) can we find true progress and strengthen ourselves as a community. Otherwise things are brittle and break easily into multiple pieces, fracturing the group past the point of repair.

Ok, I’ve successfully taken this blacksmithing metaphor too far :laughing:

I’m mainly talking where we just talk about the same thing for five hrs and only end up getting annoyed because both factions are wrong and right

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