WIP: Index of 🍇 Food & 🍷 Brew Buffs

How is it going everyone, @TPranara requested a listing of all buffs from food and brews…

I’m about 90% certain I know the effects of all of the buffs but not necessarily the potency or the duration… So feel free to chip in any information you know… Also overtime I’ll be testing all of them personally to ensure accuracy… But that will be a long way off =P


Many things still need to be tested… especially duration and potency of buffs.

Huge Thanks to @willcrutchley for providing just about all the duration and magnitudes of the buffs :heart:

Icons I found the Buff Icons in the game files… most were obvious but some not so much. i put " ? " by the ones that are in question… feel free to shout at me if one is wrong ^^

Brews Brew Small

One time use items that applies either an instant effect or a short-term buff (usually lasting 1 to 2 minutes)

Instant Healing Brew

Name Says It All - instantly restores health upon drinking

Shown Healing = Healing_Effect * Intelligence_Bonus + Healing_Effect

as of release 192

so these values need retesting

Quality HP
Minor 400
Improved 750
Greater 1500
Super 3000
Mega 6000

*Values before intelligence bonus

Healing Brew icon_se_heal

Restores an amount of health every five seconds

Shown Healing = ( Healing_Effect + Base_Health/5secs ) * Intelligence_Bonus + Healing_Effect

Healing done with no intelligence bonus:

as of release 192

so these values need retesting

Quality HP / 5 secs Seconds Total Healing
Minor 45 60 540
Improved 70 60 840
Greater 120 60 1440
Super 320 60 3840
Mega 770 60 9240

Instant Recovery Brew

Instantly restores energy / stamina

as of release 192

so these values need retesting

Quality HP
Minor 400
Improved 750
Greater 1500
Super 3000
Mega 6000

Recovery Brew icon_se_recover ?

Restores energy / stamina over a period of time

as of release 192

so these values need retesting

| Quality | Energy/Sec | Duration (seconds) | Total Energy |
| Minor | 20 | 60 | 1,200
| Improved | 40 | 60 | 2,400
| Greater | 80 | 60 | 4,800
| Super | 240 | 60 | 14,400
| Mega | 600 | 60 | 36,000

Fast Brew icon_se_fast

increases movement and action speed for two minutes (120 seconds)
(should include all actions: bows; tools; placing blocks - but needs testing)

  • Results vary depending on your “Agility” (movement speed) and “Dexterity” (action speed)
  • Action speed seems to have a maximum value of 60%

Final Speed = base speed + potion effect

With Max Agility and Dexterity

Quality Run Speed Sprint Speed Action Speed Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Base Speeds 6m/s 10m/s 50% 2
Minor +1m/s +1m/s +10% 2
Improved +1m/s +2m/s +10% 2
Greater +1m/s +2m/s +10% 2
Super +1m/s +3m/s +10% 2
Mega +1m/s +3m/s +10% 2

With No Agility or Dexterity

Quality Run Speed Sprint Speed Action Speed Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Base Speeds 3m/s 5m/s 0% 2
Minor +1m/s +1m/s +20% 2
Improved +1m/s +2m/s +40% 2
Greater +1m/s +2m/s +60% 2
Super +2m/s +3m/s +60% 2
Mega +2m/s +4m/s +60% 2

*Values as shown on “Core Attributes” window/tab

Strength Brew icon_se_strong

Increases damage modifier by X% for 2 minutes (120 seconds) (tools and weapons do more damage)

Quality Damage Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Minor +10% 2
Improved +20% 2
Greater +30% 2
Super +40% 2
Mega +50% 2

*Values as shown on “Core Attributes” window/tab

Cleansing Brew

Provides X “Cleanse Points” to reduce duration of Debuff(s)
(x depends on the quality) (behavior needs to be tested when having more than one de-buff)

Quality Cleanse Points
Minor 500
Improved 1000
Greater 1500
Super 2000
Mega 2500

“Minor Cleansing Brew” is able to instantly remove defeat sickness
(further testing of “Cleanse Points” is needed to determine potency)

Revival Brew icon_se_resurrection ?

Gives the player the revive buff for 10 minutes. If the player dies within the 10 minutes he or she can self-revive
(Revive skills may affect Brew… Needs testing)

Innocuous Brew icon_se_innocuous

Reduces creature “Aggression Range Modifier” by X percent
(reduces the range at which creatures will attack you)

Quality Aggression Range Modifier
Minor 20%
Greater 40%
Mega 70%

*Values as shown on “Exploration and Abilities” tab/window

Luminous Brew icon_se_luminous

Applies “Light Source” effect for the duration
(lights the area around the player - Range and intensity depends on quality)

Quality Light Source Intensity Light Source Radius Duration (Minutes)
Minor 1 6m 2
Greater 1.8 9m 2
Mega 2.4 12m 2

Rage Brew icon_se_rage

Triggers the effect(s) of the rage skills (strength of effects depends on number of rage stacks & rage skills)

Focus Brew icon_se_focus

Triggers the effect(s) of focus skills (strength of effects depends on number of focus stacks & focus skills)

Foods Food Small

One time use items that restores maximum energy
(removes the effects of hunger) - higher-quality foods apply “longer-term” buffs (10 - 40 minutes)

Full UP

This buff is applied when Hunger is less that 10% (Energy Penalty) and provides 4 HP / 5 secs

Basic Foods (No Buffs):

Quality Energy (Raw) Energy (Cooked)
Edible Lamella Not Edible lol
Starberry 100 250
Glossy Starberry 150 300
Juicy Starberry 200 400
Earthyam 50 300
Waxy Earthyam 100 400
Exotic Earthyam 150 500
Meat 100 (Sick 40secs) 500
Lean Meat 150 (Sick 40secs) 600
Prime Meat 200 (Sick 40secs) 800

Sick Debuff applies 25 damage / 5secs

Well fed buff icon_se_well_fed

Prevents your character from becoming hungry for the duration
(prevents the energy bar from degrading)

Buff Name: WELL FED
| Name | Energy | Buff Rank | Duration (Minutes) |
| Starberry Soup | 600 | 1 | 10
| Stewed Starberry | 800 | 2 | 20
| Starberry Porridge | 1000 | 3 | 30
| Starberry Bread | 1200 | 4 | 40
| Starberry Pie | 1600 | 5 | 60
| - | - | - |
| Earthyam Soup | 800 | 1 | 10
| Earthyam Stew | 1000 | 2 | 20
| Earthyam Risotto | 1200 | 3 | 30
| Earthyam Loaf | 1400 | 4 | 40
| Earthyam Pie | 1800 | 5 | 60
| - | - | - |
| Meaty Broth | 1200 | 1 | 10
| Meaty Casserole | 1400 | 2 | 20
| Meaty Risotto | 1600 | 3 | 30
| Meatloaf | 1800 | 4 | 40
| Meat Pie | 2400 | 5 | 60

Invigorating icon_se_invigorate

Increases maximum HP by X percent (X depends on quality)


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration (Minutes)
Invigorating Soup 800 1 +20% 30
Invigorating Stew 1000 2 +40% 30
Invigorating Porridge 1200 3 +60% 30
Invigorating Bread 1400 4 +80% 30
Invigorating Pie 1800 5 +100% 30

Energizing icon_se_energise

Increases energy by X percent (X depends on quality)


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Energizing Soup 1000 1 +20% 30
Energizing Stew 1200 2 +40% 30
Energizing Risotto 1400 3 +60% 30
Energizing Loaf 1600 4 +80% 30
Energizing Pie 2000 5 +100% 30

Floating icon_se_light

Increases jump height and provides an amount of Falling Armor & Falling Reduction (Reduction not fully understood)

Buff Name: LIGHT
| Name | Energy | Buff Rank | Jump Height | Double Jump | Falling Armour | Falling Reduction (Resistance?) | Duration |
| Floating Broth | 1000 | 1 | +0.5m | +0.1m | +50 | +0.1 | 30
| Floating Stew | 1200 | 2 | +0.8m | +0.2m | +75 | +0.2 | 30
| Floating Porridge | 1400 | 3 | +1.1m | +0.3m | +100 | +0.3 | 30
| Floating Bread | 1600 | 4 | +1.5m | +0.4m | +150 | +0.4 | 30
| Floating Pie | 2000 | 5 | +2m | +0.5m | +200 | +0.5 | 30

Teaching icon_se_fast_learner

increases all experience earned by X percent (X depends on quality)


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration (minutes)
Teaching Porridge 800 1 +10% 30
Teaching Pudding 1000 2 +20% 30
Teaching Bread 1200 3 +50% 30
Teaching Pie 1600 4 +100% 30

Criticaling icon_se_critical_chance

Increases critical strike chance for the duration


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Criticaling Soup 1500 1 20% 30
Criticaling Casserole 1700 2 40% 30
Criticaling Risotto 1900 3 60% 30
Criticaling Loaf 2100 4 80% 30
Criticaling Pie 2700 5 100% 30

Persisting icon_se_light_touch

Reduces wear on tools by X percent
(X depends on quality) (testing needed to see if it stacks with skills)


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration (minutes)
Persisting Soup 1200 1 5% 30
Persisting Stew 1400 2 10% 30
Persisting Risotto 1600 3 15% 30
Persisting Loaf 1800 4 30% 30
Persisting Pie 2200 5 40% 30

Shielding image ?

Increases the players: Kinetic Armor; Kinetic Resistance %; Impulse Armor; Impulse Resistance % by X
(X depends on quality)

Kinetic describes all damage that is single target (Spiters shots, Wildstock, Cuttletunk projectiles (including homing))

Impulse describes all damage that is multi target (AoE) (Bombs, Death Rays, Hoppers)

Defense is a flat reduction of damage (100 damage -10 armor = 90 sustained damage)

Resistance is a chance to avoid all damage (50% kinetic resistance allows the player to take 0 damage from wildstock 50% of the time)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Burn Shielding icon_se_shield_burn

increases resistance to burn effects
(Scar - applied by burning creatures on Vulpto - Reduces maximum HP)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Burn Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Burn Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Burn Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Burn Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Burn Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Chill Shielding icon_se_shield_chill

Increases resistance to chill effects
(Chill - applied by chilling creatures on Nasharil - slows actions?)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Chill Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Chill Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Chill Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Chill Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Chill Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Toxin Shielding icon_se_shield_toxin

Increases resistance to toxic effects
(toxin - applied by toxic creatures on Altrunik - damage over time)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Toxin Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Toxin Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Toxin Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Toxin Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Toxin Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Corrosion Shielding icon_se_shield_corrosion

Increases resistance to corrosion effects
(corrosion - applied by corrosive creatures on Munteen VII - reduces defenses)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Corrosion Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Corrosion Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Corrosion Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Corrosion Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Corrosion Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Blast Shielding icon_se_shield_blast

Increases resistance to blast effects
(Blast? - Applied by blast creatures on Andoomween - dramatically reduces action and movement speed)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Blast Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Blast Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Blast Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Blast Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Blast Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Shock Shielding icon_se_shield_shock

Increases resistance to shock effects
(shock? - Applied by shocking creatures on Espilo - Effect needs testing)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armor Resistance Duration
Shock Shielding Broth 1800 1 10 10% 30
Shock Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 15% 30
Shock Shielding Risotto 2200 3 40 20% 30
Shock Shielding Loaf 2400 4 70 30% 30
Shock Shielding Pie 3000 5 100 40% 30

Not in Game =P

Skill Reset Loaf - Ultra Rare Food
– “A very special loaf that gives you an extra skill reset when consumed”

Left over Stuff Yet to be Nested =P
Name Energy Buff Name Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Volatile Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION VOLATILE 1
Volatile Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION VOLATILE 2
- - - -
Potent Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION POTENT 1
Potent Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION POTENT 2
- - - -
Caustic Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION CAUSTIC 1
Caustic Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION CAUSTICÂť 2

Reserved: May use this post for overflow… Assuming I don’t lose the ability to edit it first >< :sweat:

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Nice work!

Eventually a list of each food item with the numbers and type of buff will be really cool, I guess the devs will get to that over time but I have been quite confused about the whole food/brew system.

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I have most of the foods in stock, willing to do testing in exchange for fibrous :rofl:

on a serious note though, if “the hunt” could supply me with 31 pieces of lean meat I can test all except the elemental shieldings; if you do donation of prime meat and shards / amalgams those can be sorted out too. It’s really late and i’m working in 4 hours, will update tomorrow with exact amounts required to make a single set of foods…

I already covered some of the foods showing their exact stats - how much energy they give what buffs and for how long. Covered basic foods and teaching foods.
Working on more videos showing the other types - floating, energising etc. Got @Prome3us to help me with furnace recipes. I hope to share the videos soon enough.


Edited the OP:

Did a bit of cleanup and removed the empty “hide details” so the ones that are left contain information now ^^… also gathered a bulk of raw info on quite a few foods, but adding that will be for another day =/

Edited OP

  • Removed the “Hide Details” since i felt that clicking on them was more annoying than a longer post to scroll :thinking:

  • Added information on many of the foods including: food name, buff name, energy restored, and buff rank.

  • Tweaked formatting


This is Awesome!! Thanks @Jiivita :peace_symbol::purple_heart::boundless:


Thank you Jiivita

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Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Broth 1800 1 +10 impulse + kinetic armour, +10% impulse + kinetic resistance 1800
Casserole 2000 2 +20 " armour, +15% " resistance 1800
Risotto 2200 3 +40 " armour, +20% " resistance 1800
Loaf 2400 4 +70 " armour, +30% " resistance 1800
Pie 3000 5 +100 " armour, +40% " resistance 1800


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Broth 1800 1 +10 element armour, +10% element resistance 1800
Casserole 2000 2 +20 element armour, +15% element resistance 1800
Risotto 2200 3 +40 element armour, +20% element resistance 1800
Loaf 2400 4 +70 element armour, +30% element resistance 1800
Pie 3000 5 +100 element armour, +40% element resistance 1800

NB: sickness also stops all health regen as well as doing damage


+4 health regen per tick

WELL FED (sets hunger to 0):

NB: any food which provides a status effect doesn’t provide the well fed buff

Name Energy Buff Rank Duration
Soups/Broths Already added 1 600
Stews/Casseroles Already added 2 1200
Porridges/Risottos Already added 3 1800
Loaves/Bread Already added 4 2400
Pies Already added 5 3600


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Soup 800 1 +20% max health 1800
Stew 1000 2 +40% max health 1800
Porridge 1200 3 +60% max health 1800
Bread 1400 4 +80% max health 1800
Pie 1800 5 +100% max health 1800


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Soup 800 1 +20% max stamina 1800
Stew 1000 2 +40% max stamina 1800
Porridge 1200 3 +60% max stamina 1800
Bread 1400 4 +80% max stamina 1800
Pie 1800 5 +100% max stamina 1800


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Broth 1000 1 Jump height +0.5 blocks, Double Jump height + 0.1 blocks, Falling armour +50, “Falling Reduction” +0.1 1800
Casserole 1200 2 Jump height +0.8 blocks, Double Jump height + 0.2 blocks, Falling armour +75, “Falling Reduction” +0.2 1800
Risotto 1400 3 Jump height +1.1 blocks, Double Jump height + 0.3 blocks, Falling armour +100, “Falling Reduction” +0.3 1800
Loaf 1600 4 Jump height +1.5 blocks, Double Jump height + 0.4 blocks, Falling armour +150 1800
Pie 2000 5 Jump height +2 blocks, Double Jump height + 0.5 blocks, Falling armour +200, “Falling Reduction” +0.5 1800


Name Energy Buff Level Buff Power Duration
Porridge 800 1 +10% gained XP 1800
Pudding 1000 2 +20% gained XP 1800
Bread 1200 3 +50% gained XP 1800
Pie 1600 4 +100% gained XP 1800


Name Energy Buff Level Buff Power Duration
Soup 1500 1 +20% Critical Chance 1800
Casserole 1700 2 +40% Critical Chance 1800
Risotto 1900 3 +60% Critical Chance 1800
Loaf 2100 4 +80% Critical Chance 1800
Pie 2700 5 +100% Critical Chance 1800


Name Energy Buff Level Buff Power Duration
Soup 1200 1 5% less wear reduction 1800
Stew 1400 2 10% less wear reduction 1800
Risotto 1600 3 15% less wear reduction 1800
Loaf 1800 4 30% less wear reduction 1800
Pie 2200 5 40% less wear reduction 1800


Name Energy Buff Name Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Volatile Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE VOLATILE 1 +1 Volatile Atmosphere Protection 1800
Volatile Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE VOLATILE 2 +2 Volatile Atmosphere Protection 1800
Volatile Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE VOLATILE 3 +3 Volatile Atmosphere Protection 1800
— — — — — —
Potent Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE POTENT 1 +1 Potent Atmosphere Protection 1800
Potent Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE POTENT 2 +2 Potent Atmosphere Protection 1800
Potent Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE VOLATILE 3 +3 Potent Atmosphere Protection 1800
— — — — — —
Caustic Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE CAUSTIC 1 +1 Caustic Atmosphere Protection 1800
Caustic Protecting Biryani 2400 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE CAUSTIC 2 +2 Caustic Atmosphere Protection 1800
Caustic Protecting Chilli 2200 ATMOSPHERE PROTECTION PASSIVE CAUSTIC 3 +3 Caustic Atmosphere Protection 1800



NB: value is in stamina per second, but your stamina value only updates every 5 seconds

Quality Stamina/second Duration Total Stamina Gained
Minor 20 60 1200
Improved 40 60 2400
Greater 80 60 4800
Super 240 60 14400
Mega 600 60 36000


Quality Intensity Radius Duration
Minor 1 6m 120
Greater 1.8 9m 120
Mega 2.4 12 120


This all sorta needs to be confirmed by ingame testing, I’m just looking at configs and it’s a bit late to puzzle this all out, so take the following with a rather large grain of salt:

UNSKILLED HEAL (just by gaining rage and consuming a brew)

Skill Level Health Gained
Gain Rage 1 25% of max health (at 10 charges?)
Gain Rage 2 50% of max health (at 10 charges?)

RAGE HEAL (when you consume a brew with adrenaline rush skills)

NB: this affects “fast healing” which is different to normal healing in that your health will update every second instead of every 5
Also: I am not entirely sure how the 2 levels of the skill affect this, but I think these are the values for level 2 of the skill (level 2 out of 2) Maybe @Jiivita could test this on testing with your access to the brews?
I think it may halve with only the first skill, but I’m not sure

Level (amount of rage charges) HP gained per second Duration Overral HP gained
1 25 10 250
2 30 10 300
3 45 10 450
4 75 10 750
5 115 10 1150
6 165 10 1650
7 225 10 2250
8 300 10 3000
9 385 10 3850
10 480 10 4800

More coming maybe…


Very nice! I’ll add this when I can have a proper sit at my computer :heart:

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Awesome work here @Jivita and all others updating info here.:sunglasses:

I have numbers for most of the buff foods (floating, persisting etc.) but instead of simply putting them here I will continue making videos on them. I made a couple already showing stats etc. and just finished this one here on furnace foods. I like to think that this post and my videos will complement each other (reading here is waaay faster of course ;p).

Big thanks to @Prome3us for helping me with furnace cooking (does cooking in furnace make us blackcooks?). You can see bits and pieces of his nice settlement in the video.

Just a reminder of link to my topic showing all videos I made thus far.


Awesome Boundmore, and all others assisting.



Regarding persisting foods: I did some testing.

My miner has full Item Durability Bonus talents (All 5).

I crafted two copper hammers and timed how long it took to go through each of them, one without persisting Risotto and one with persisting risotto. (buff rank 3).

Without persisting, it took 10:49 to destroy a copper hammer.

With persisting it took 15:18 to destroy a copper hammer.

This is almost exactly a 40% increase.

Hope that helps.


I was testing some foods just now.
Funny thing was: I reset my character to have basic 600 health and energy for easier counting of bonuses, but if it comes to other statistics, it showed that my jump height is 2m and double jump height is 1m (no skills, not even core ones!). It should be 1m and 0m, right? there was no usual colour indication of any bonus at work and no “+” icon next to jump stats, so… confusing.

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That seems to conflict with what I found… maybe there was inaccuracy because you weren’t constantly breaking blocks? or were you just swinging all the time?
EDIT: oh, you have all 5 item durability skills. These add on to the persisting thing. My values are without durability skills, so that’s probably why.

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@Jiivita The negative status effects for elements are as follows (iirc):
Corrosion - Acid
Blast - Think it’s Slow
Toxin - Think it’s Poison
Shock - I think it’s Drain
Burn - Scar
Chill - Think it’s Ice
I will look into the effects of these too.

All these give you a base damage over time I think. Can anyone confirm this? Doesn’t look like damage over time is a thing… damn confusing game files


  • There are levels, 1 2 3. 4 and 5. I can’t work out what the differences are (if there are any), but Acid just reduces all of your armour and resistance, maybe even completely removes it. This includes corrosive armour and resistance.


  • Reduced Action Speed, Run speed and Sprint Boost - which in turn reduces your sprint speed – Sprint Boost is lowered to 1.5, which is lower than the base value of 2 even without agility.
Level Effects Duration
1 Action Speed -20%, Run Speed -30%, Sprint Boost set to 1.5 60
2 Action Speed - 40%, Run Speed -40%, Sprint Boost set to 1.5 60
3 Action Speed -60%, Run Speed -50%, Sprint Boost Set to 1.5 60
4 Action Speed -80%, Run Speed -60%, Sprint Boost set to 1.5 60
5 Action Speed -100%?! - I guess you can’t do anything?, Run Speed -70%, Sprint Boost set to 1.5 60


Gives damage over time (refreshes every 5 seconds, so the damage values you see would be multiplied by 5)

Level Damage/second Duration
1 10 30
2 25 30
3 50 30
4 100 30
5 200 30


Reduces max stamina by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50% depending on the level and lasts for 60 seconds


Same as drain, but for max health


Affects friction, levels seem to have no extra effect, just adds 1 to the friction modifier, which is normally 1, which looks like it makes you slip as if you were walking on Ice.


Updated the OP with almost all the awesome info @willcrutchley Provided… ^^ A huge help, thank you!

Concerning the Rage and Focus Skills… i have a stack-ish of each on Testing so i can definitely test out the effects at some point… However I can’t really give an ETA since I have so many other projects at the moment =P

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Durability skills have a very significant effect on how useful persisting foods are and the perceived health benefit.

Let’s suppose you can break 100 blocks with your wooden axe, no levels. This means at 100 blocks you lost 100% durability. With risotto (15%) you have only lost 85% when you reach 100 blocks, so your total break will be 100/0.85 or 117.6 blocks.

Now at full skill, 50% reduction, you normally break 100/0.5 = 200 blocks. When you add 15% here, you get 100/0.35 = 285 blocks.

This happens because the 15% buff is actually 30% of what’s LEFT to buff. So foods help more the higher your skill.


in case you missed this one:

very much confirmed through my testing on a wooden axe - will become a video soon I hope