“Work until” is censored

Overkill IMO
But that’s just me

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In game or forums?

Just tested it. This games profanity filter is wild

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In game at least where I tested it. But for the sake of testing the forums

Work until

Seems to not be censored here

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In game

As in “I won’t be home from work until 8”

I won’t bore you with the actual way I used it lol

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Remember when they added “goo kernel” but you couldn’t type it in game?

Edit: reference

There is NO free time - only work!


It took me a moment to realise why it was filtered until you see which three letters follow the last letter of work. :grin:


Sadly that also a frequent used dutch word.
As in

You can too

Sadist is censored too… I wonder if it is here as well.


That’s interesting, especially since the other related words like ‘sadistic’ and ‘sadism’ are not.

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Yeah I mean, I guess it’s an insult? But masochism… that is too (I realise how weird this all makes me look but we were just testing the censor)


So long as your safe word isn’t censored!


The filter still has silly things in there, normal Dutch words like ‘hoor’ (hear/hearing in English) is censored in the game. I do get why with that one tho but I don’t understand why on earth ‘kanker’ (Dutch for cancer) is also being censored.

This whole censoring thing is annoying. I understand the need for it but it’s trying to find different ways of spelling words even with spaces which makes it super annoying…


Maybe because ‘kanker’ rhymes with a popular English insult? But that is still ridiculous!

It is definitely censored.


maybe remove the er and a s is in front kinda thing

I think it’s funny that you can say ass in game but not goo kernel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It’s 2020 - time to let us talk about where goo comes from :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Bethlehem maybe they censor all religious descriptors? (I think I just made up a word)

Can’t test it right now, so I’m throwing this out there. Depending on how the filter is applied maybe “Worc until” is filtered too, there is a naughty word in there. :stuck_out_tongue: