World Regeneration prototype stress test

He’s just good at using the search function :wink: I could be too but I’m too lazy^^

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Well I work with a databank of dev statements, I call it my brain I am scarridly good at remembering useless information.


Something that could be used to generate these landscapes, different materials would be more affected by erosion, the time scale for erosion could be about 10 years to form something like that cove (which would have taken much longer). It would only take effect on the landscape not structures, you could even scale the time erosion takes with how far the area is to human structures.

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10 years sounds extreme. No offense to anyone but if devs manage us to play this game for more then 10 years constantly it would be a master piece in game history (no doubt B< will be). But 10 years is a lot.

And if built or beacon safe structures survive, you would see somewhen flying islands in your erosioned coast.