World Shop Descriptions

Looking at he SOVEREIGN + CREATIVE WORLDS shop, it is unclear as to how long a world will survive with no fuel, or if you actually have to order world fuel along side your world in order for it to be able to work at all…


Yeah, they added it to the forum FAQ, but it should be included on each shop page too. There are a lot of players that have never been to the forums.


Just got my first world to test out, was swayed a bit by the fact that the money from worlds could head to development…


I recently bought some more for the same reason. :wink: Even bought gas for the 1st time.

Once your world appears & you get the pop-up notice in game, don’t forget to make/bring a world control and beacon supplies. You’ll need to select & finalize your world colors via the world control before most items can be harvested. :blush:

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