WOWSERS, Look at these ROCKS!

@james… I’m fairly sure these rocks aren’t as special as they’re telling me they are…


Don’t you dare take away my autoharvest fleshy leaves and my glowing inkies!!

I’m hoping he tells me how to USE THEM

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I mean… sorry :frowning:

This bug has been identified in multiple threads. It is kind of funny though that everyone has a different effect listed on their random items.

Glow? Those are radioactive!

Alll these topics really should just be merged into one. There’s at least two other topics about this stuff and a few posts on the release notes. @Havok40k maybe something you could do?

Ha! yeah, I’ve had that show up for a brief moment with some sand earlier, when I hovered back over it, it didn’t display the same.

i’ll never get through this smart stack if it keeps replenishing on me :joy: