Yabo or yarbo (second poll follows to add other ways )

As you guys are discussing about it, I am suddenly reminded of a slang phrase in one of the languages over here for what it means “Yes! Not available”, or something along those lines, it really depends on the context it was said in.

Yup that’s what I think. Wow, mind melding with Philelliott today. Find me and friend me friend!

Also, doesn’t “yabo” phonetically come out to “yay-bow” and therefore, conversely, the “h” in our example would make the “a” long and thus we get “yahbo?”

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I agree. It might come down to what you are able to phonetically comprehend (not sure what term, let’s go with this), depending on your native language you might have trouble hearing some sounds, or on the other hand hearing stuff others don’t (not in going crazy sense). I do hear ee before everything else, but no R around :ear: