

Before i begin: Here is a ever evolving music playlist i made on spotify for boundless, I listen to it every time i play boundless for the inspiration and relaxation.

I love sandbox games ever since i got my hands on minecraft. Eventually i wanted to manage my own minecraft server but it became too costly and the amount of building planned was just too much. I wanted to build 18 cities on the server for it but gave up when it just took to long to even finish 2. As a result i don’t see minecraft the same anymore and if i ever return it would be to try to manage a server yet again. Because i wasn’t satisfied any longer playing on someone elses server i quit the sandbox game and never wondered what if…

That is until i found Oort Online, it was new, colorful and i wasn’t playing on any particular persons server but playing the game with everyone equally. Although i didn’t understand much of anything about the game and only played it one day. It did the best thing it could, and it planted a seed in my heart for the game.

fast forward 1 year and a few mmo’s sandbox attempts later. I am back here. March 2017. Although my journey took a while to finaly settle in Oort-landia i am happy it did. I also made a friend who is kind and really cool and he has guided me back into the game and learning it as well. I have alot of hope for the future of this game and i’m glad i was able to and did purchase it doing this EA time. I am thankful to be a part of such a hopeful community and one that loves to have fun just as much as i do

Currently you can find me on Elopor, building my dream…uh castle? Or at least trying to! it’s a long process but i can’t believe how far i’ve gotten in the 3 play days i’ve commited to digging it out. It started out as a temp home while i waited for my friend to guide me to his temple but now that temporary home is now my permanent home on that planet as far as i love it so much!

its basically a suspended walkway under a mesa that i hope to build through the mesa and up above it. !

Update 2019: I played for a few weeks that month in 2017 before irl became demanding. I returned after the game launched on ps4 and have stuck around since. As of march 6th you can find ne building my second base in super rad on Dzarssak while I figure out how to finalize my stuff on storis 2.

Guilds I am joined to as of march 6th 2019
Super Rad

Guilds I own/made/manage:
DarkCore [DCG]
DarkMatter [DMG]
LightCore [LCG]
AntiMatter [AMG]
AntiMatterDorks [AMD]