Understand the un-understandable ... Interview about the IS

Eh because I realised it would just create issues :\ and personally I’d rather not be apart of it! I stand by what I said though! Sorry! Plus I didn’t have the effort to word it carefully as not to insult any religions or beliefs!

I felt bad for your lonely like so I deleted it :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it was very well worded. Just describing the situation. Hence the like. But I understand that you don’t want to be part of such a discussion. It can get ugly quite quickly.

I believe the interesting (and diabolical) thing here is that ISIS’s strategy seems to be to polarize the whole planet: Muslims against the world. This creates tension and a climate ripe for war, which is ultimately their only goal. The counter to this is to not give-in to fear, to not assume that Islam is a religion of radicalism and hate. I believe that hatred is the goal of most, if not all, extremist groups: Westboro Baptist Church, KKK, etc. These are not radical Christians, these are radical extremists attempting to co-opt Christianity to give their message some semblance of legitimacy. I, for one, won’t buy in to it.

I am friends with many Muslims, Christians, Mormons, Hindus, Atheists, and Jews. I’m sure I’m leaving some religion out. I’ve found things I love about them and things that bother me about them. I think that’s because the commonality is that they’re all HUMAN.

By the way, I’m glad we have a somewhat insulated forum in which we can talk about this and express ourselves, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with Boundless. Although, being an MMO, there will be social aspects of the game. Hopefully we won’t have to deal with radical extremism attempting to co-opt some ancient Oortian religious ideology in-game, but there will be complex social dynamics nonetheless.