1.0 content

That roadmap predates the 1.0 announcement and has not seen any updates yet.
So we are a bit uncertain if everything on that list will make it to 1.0.
I hope so, though.


yeah - thats why I made the topic - just realized 1.0 will most likely have less content than I expected earlier, before the big announcement about releasing this year etc.

ah yes! I forgot that - how could I!
and different races with it! although if customization is in 1.0 with just current race to play, I will be happy enough; customization and a few races to chose from would be ideal! :heart_eyes::sunglasses:

Cant wait for the cat/wolf race :heart_eyes:

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I hope so aswell though

But it also seems that there are less devlogs in general compared with a year ago and less info about what to expect of 1.0, or is it just me?

Character Customization sneak peak:

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Yeah it seemed to cool down after initial busy time - but then again most cool ideas and concepts are there anyway.

I just realized that I haven’t mentioned Guilds - I think that’s a must for 1.0!!

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I would love to see them too, but they are marked as post 1.0 even on the old roadmap.

didnt remember that one…

Hope they will make it ingame before 1.0

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I just want ladders :smile:


it would make life alot more easy :smiley:

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Being able to keep on leveling up and getting skillpoints. No levelcap at all in game, so i can fully level up my char and need no alts.

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Here’s the thing man. James said the only content coming to us before 1.0 is new worlds (likely the new resources and recipes to go with them) and the Centraforge. Some balances and polishing up as well.

Honestly, we don’t really need new doors, deco poles, and trophies. They aren’t must haves by any means. At least in terms of before 1.0.

I think having a new projects from a fresh start, new worlds, new resources and recipes, and the Centraforge is going to keep people busy long enough for additional content to get pushed out to us. What kept all of us playing before this next Forge content patch is going to keep us playing for a while while new content comes out. Hopefully they mix and match a variety of different content in those patches so it isn’t focused just one one thing necessarily (Forge, Meteorites, surface resources, etc).

I still want Titans, air ships, and Redstone-like stuff. I even want more stuff to use Spark with, such as powered lights or doors etc.

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I think this is one thing that should be added to what they said will be delivered at 1.0. Even with no more development really happening, we have seen this content showcased in pictures and actual renders.

Personally, I think it is critical that this is added so that our 1.0 builds are better looking than what we can currently deliver. It would be pretty sad to do a whole new build with new colors and everything and have the same limited functionality of no rails and simple doors.


Or to have to rebuild again once all of this is added.

I wanted to start a thread roughly about the same thing with a detailed, well-thought out list of the important things that have been discussed that we really need to have before 1.0 releases.
this thread seems to have been filled by quick replies and knee-jerk reactions.
I’ll put my thoughts here anyways because the thread is now started.

I have been putting this list together ever since the announcement.
the announcement came as quite a surprise to me, as I still think there are a lot of things we need to have before 1.0. I’ll start with the more important ones:

  • bug fixes
    (I know there’s a lot, things like getting stuck in blocks and then propelled upwards when dislodged is still happening… though I hear its fixed in this next eternally long update

  • more creatures
    (at least one more, one that can spawn in the hunts. we’ve seen at least 3 new creatures and only 3 types spawn from meteorites.)

  • proper text editing capabilities.
    (come on please, its painful. cant use arrows or click anywhere you want to edit. this is rage-inducing. would be for new players too.)

  • Smart stack tutorial.
    (the first time something is added to another stack to create a smart stack, there should be a popup telling you that you collected something that has combined together with something else creating a smart stack, then a lil explanation of how they work.)

  • More saved locations!
    (we have been using a stash of saved locations from back when there were only 12 planets. 32 slots was fine for this. plenty of space for a location of every planet, a few mining locations and a few for some friends bases. great. but now, (or soon) there will be well over 50 planets, maybe even hundreds!
    we can’t even map out 50 planets with this current limitation.
    the max should be at LEAST 128, preferably more like 256.)

  • The compass needs some love.
    (currently there are a few icons that don’t take priority, like the capital (there is only ever one) and your home (there is also only one) which always sit behind everything else. Cardinal directions should also be either above or below the compass line so you don’t have to look at the sky or your feet to see which direction you’re facing. I also really liked it when all beacons showed up on the compass. it was needed to see how far I was from anyone else because I was planning a very large build. We need a compass UI so we can enable/disable compass icons with a checkbox. it gets way too crowded even with settlements. but sometimes I wanna see everything. At the very least, the icon hierarchy could use a tweak, like: Tracking>home>friends>capitals>other players>settlements>beacons. something like that.)

  • Differentiate between left and right shift
    (not sure if it’s a mac thing or if it happens with everyone, but the game doesn’t recognize that I am pressing right shift vs left shift. it always says left shift even when I’m pressing the right one. I mean even my mac keyboard has a left shift and right shift. Now I’m not sure if both buttons send the same signal, maybe, but I am using a logitech keyboard so it shouldn’t matter.)

  • More races to choose from!
    (I’ve seen lots of concept art for characters, but we need to have a better variety for when the game releases. there will be a lot more complaints about lack of female characters or better variety.)

  • Chisel Preview!
    (I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve chiseled a block (THAT WAS HIGHLIGHTED) and the block behind it got chiseled. or the wrong corner got taken off and I have to start all over again.
    DRIVES ME MENTAL. sorry. but it does.
    it would make a world of difference if we could see a preview of what we’re about to chisel. very much like the block placement preview but line up the lines with the portion of the block that’s gonna come off. the preview would change depending on where on the block you are looking.
    Now I suppose this is more of a complicated thing so I can understand if it’s not in the game at 1.0, but we NEED it!)

  • Regional mob spawning.
    (I think it would be neat to see more or less mobs in specific areas. for example, more wildstock spawn in fields but less cuttletrunks and hoppers, more cuttletrunks spawn in floating mountain biomes but no wildstocks (except maybe up top hehe), or more hoppers spawning in swampy areas etc… it would add more dynamic to the wildlife and make it feel more natural)

  • Portal rendering fixes
    (what I mean here is when a portal is in water it creates a big square around the portal so if its halfway in, it looks like it’s sitting in a glass square, but if it’s fully submerged, it looks like a tall blue block. you can’t even tell it’s a portal.)

And finally my last point which I suppose isn’t needed but would make a lot of sense and bring more character to the worlds.

  • On toxic worlds only, have the mud actually toxic.
    (so when you walk on it you start taking damage. much like atmospheres but the mud will always be there unlike the weather which may only hurt you when it’s acid raining for example.)

Thanks @ctrl-64. Great list.
I most liked the biome-determined creatures which made me think about biome-determined weather effects which I’m almost sure will arrive with new worlds. That leads me to another thing I forgot about which is atmospheres implemented. That is something that I think needs to be done for 1.0 so we don’t settle in worlds first and then need to adapt to their toxicity by resetting our skills.

I agree with @Xaldafax here that it’s important to have them from start so we know their size and looks so we can plan our builds avoiding tedious rebuilding later. Maybe a must is a strong wording but I see it as important to have as many recipes as possible ready from the start.


The doors will most likely be a similar recipe and take up a similar size to what we have now for doors. The only difference on them would appearance.

Poles I see taking up a single block in size per application of the pole. So that’s pretty easy to plan for IMO.

It’s unlikely we’ll get them though before 1.0.

Your chisel idea really warmed my heart.

And I’m a robot, so that’s no small feat.