12 Days of Oortmas Event in Little Japan

I will make sure I show up on day 12 then :blush:


12th Day is here! To celebrate the final day of the event, we’re gonna make it extra fun for everyone. Just collect the token under the tree when it appears! Turn it over and you get to play the Mystery Door game.

There’s 6 Locked Doors, it containts 3 Epic/ 3 Regular Gifts. Everyone gets a chance to play! (Even the people who won the Previous Token Gifts)
But here’s the catch, ONLY 1 TOKEN PER PERSON and you only get to Choose 1 door :exploding_head: so choose carefully!

Epic Gifts = Forged/Unforged Gem Tools, Adv Power Coils
Regular Gifts = Random stuff!

Goodluck!! And Merry Oortmas from Little Japan