247 hunting platforms

im wondering on what planet would be the best fit for everyone to hunt on just need an idea of where to put platforms

Oh god not more hunting platforms - why? Lol

Pretty sure there are several open to the public


hahaha where they at


It’s easier to say where they aren’t :sweat_smile:


I think hse and Illn-nomads are open to public use


I wouldn’t touch that w a 10ft pole :laughing:


Biitula ofc

i know ill isnt but il check the other

Yeah this. Anybody suggesting a planet, wear a flame-proof vest.
Actually, wear a flame-proof EVERYTHING.


hahahahh i just need an idea of a planet everyone would like

I think hives are too. But @Orrian can correct me if I’m wrong. And @Ratchel has some too. But again not positive if they are public


There’s definitely at least 2

Maybe more can be opened to the public? @ginabean
Locked platforms make no sense to me, I’ve never understood why ppl lock them

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There were a couple of groups that were offering access to their platforms, for hunt leaders that asked them for it. I can’t remember who it was tho.

Maybe the ones @Lesioui used once in a blue moon are available? I dunno

I want to say every t5+ planet already has a bunch. And some t3/4s do as well.

I would put them on the home planet of someone who locks their hunt platforms. Then maybe people will learn a lesson and stop locking their hunt platforms.

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So everyone walks out on the platforms together. If done prematurely you’ll trigger lower level meteors

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I dont think you understand my point. NOBODY wants hunt platforms on the planet they live on, or build on. There is no 1 planet everybody wants hunt platforms on.

I prefer platform hunting when i do hunt, but definitely recognize the ones built are usually eye-sores, get in the way of builds, etc. The ones built are enough. Don’y make any more.


Yeah hunt platforms are probably the most hated build in boundless. Even more than slides. Maybe tied with lava towers.

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Lava towers are worse imo

have a 1 portal room on platform an walk out on to deck with every one but have a sign posted to let ppl know wait for others