3x3 wooden shovels

Does anyone have any 3x3 t1 wooden shovels that they are willing to sell at 500c each? Willing to buy 19 of them at that price.

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I make wooden axes for crop farming, but never seen a need for wooden shovels…

Can I ask why it is you’re looking for these? I’m very curious!


I use 3x3 wooden hammers for crop or grass harvesting myself. I too am curious what purpose you have in mind. If for tier 1 soil gathering, etc., then wood isn’t worth the forge ingredients or time invested to forge it well–very low durability, damage, speed, etc. Furthermore, $500 per tool is selling at a loss, as it takes the same forge ingredients as a 3x3 tool of any other material (or more just to mitigate the decreased damage, speed, or durability). Those forge ingredients are where most of the costs lie. Titanium is the lowest I’d forge for soil or rock gathering, as it requires fewer ingredients than wood to do much more.

Someone else here may feel differently. So take that as just my opinion.

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With a wooden shovel I use it to just to farm sand and silty soil. With a skill page setup for it I can mine on a t1 even with the damage penalty of the AOE effect without having to have anything but a 3x3 on it.

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Oh man - get some titanium for that.

When I was forging harvesters regularly I was using copper axes, and still selling at 799 to 999 to make sure I wasn’t losing coin. That was the tightest compromise I could find between not breaking the blocks, and durability on the forged tool.

With a forge like this, as Radin mentioned, the forging ingredients are a much larger part of the cost than the tool. Once you step it up to titanium the tool is usually an equal part of the cost, but the user is going to have many times the durability. You’re honestly going to pay close to 1k (fair price) for a wooden tool, and you might find someone that’s selling the titanium for literally the same price, or a couple hundred coins more.

is that 1 shotting the soil? i checked the damage calculator…
3x3 with no damage requires titanium for t1 soil… or wood can do it at +random but i doubt you want that for soil.

aside from that i agree with using titanium for the durability, wood is 600 titanium is 1500 for a difference cost of about 200c.

i have titanium shovels with +1000 durability (2500 total) listed for 2k in my shop.
similarly a +600 durability listed for 1680c in my shop.
which is 0.8 * durability

wood’s 600 * 0.8 = 480c, you were willing to pay 20 more.

would you consider buying my titanium shovels instead?

/via tnt mall section - crossings mini mall - dazzle, first shop when entering the mall on the right

its in experimental forges section just below the welcome sign, i was just testing the waters so it doesnt have a proper place in my shop as of yet.

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I’ll check it out