4k Night Orange Marble for 4K Dark Orange Marble

Well since it seems I’m SoL with my marble changing colors on me. I really could use a trade of my Night Orange Marble for Dark Orange Marble. Or i can sell it for the same amount I paid for it which was 220k coin.

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Hmmm it seems you want to get from a color that’s natural to one that would have to be block changed.

Are you willing to do the chiseling?

The ones I had were already changed by @Greenheart and then after the update they turned into a different color. But I haven’t seen anything about the devs fixing the rock/marble that have been affected by an apparent bug.

Night orange is a natural color for metamorphic rock, they didn’t require chiseling.

Dark orange is not (as far as I can tell) a natural color for metamorphic rock. So someone will have to manually chisel 3600 blocks of dark orange igneous into dark orange metamorphic to make 4k blocks of dark orange marble.

This wasn’t necessary to make the night orange so the two colors as marble have a significant value difference.

I’m sympathetic though if you’re willing to change the rocks I’ll do the rest of the deal as a straight trade. Or you can go to (naturally available) silk orange. i have no idea right now what that would look like as a marble.

I have the stones already refined (dark orange igneous) so if you’re in a rush we can get that moving today.

No problems though if you want to see what else comes up in the next day or two I’ve not been feeling well so I’m hardly playing.

EDIT: I’m still satisfied with the night orange but the stacks i have on order have been delayed… I’m told due to lighting changes.

This path is night orange/night green, it’s VERY dark at night.

I got dark orange from him so it did require chiseling. There a bug that has changed them to night orange but the devs don’t seem to believe us when we said we have blocks that changed colors on us.

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Oh SNAP! :exploding_head:

No that’s not acceptable at all I would be raging.


I made a forum post about it last night, and they haven’t said much other than “it shouldn’t have happened” so basically blown off, I’m not happy.

Hopefully trade logs (worst case) will show what was traded and so even if the block list got corrupt or some color data replaced they can see that you went from stacks of dark in the trade to night in some way without otherwise acquiring that quantity of night orange.

Not even “we’ll look into it”? And there are at least two people reporting it? I’m off to find your thread.

No, they haven’t said a thing about looking into it. I’m still awaiting a reply. And hopefully they can see what happened.

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Yeah i read around a bit now. Taking all that in and also this it sounds like maybe some things got ‘fixed’ that shouldn’t have.

It opens a real bunch of questions to me about per-block provenance too and internal data tracking. If those were exo blocks and these are changed blocks and both got caught in the same issue it sort of points to a color based synch problem and not a planet based one. It would require a lot more data than we have to come to any reasonable conclusion though.

On this topic though:

@FireAngelDth I hear you now but that’s the best offer I have if you want to push on before the devs make any clear statement about this. I won’t do the chiseling work but if you like to do it i can get the rest done and have you back in dark orange in a few hours.

I mean maybe if you had it in rock form I might do the chisel work. But in refined form it’s way too many blocks to chisel

I’d rather @james just do a straight trade with his dev powers to fix my issue :sweat_smile:

Personally I would give this a couple days to develop. It depends on how much data they’re storing.logging about this stuff but an actual fix could happen. This could have also affected placed blocks and a lot of other people who haven’t found out yet.

Maybe a thread looking for people who built with (or even stored) mebsuta materials would help find more instances.

It’s a lot fewer blocks to chisel when they’re already refined? (144 rock = 288 stone = 50 refined)

Anyways maybe this thread will bring out someone who had dark orange marble, but has night orange now. Ironic but it would be added pressure for a dev response action. Good luck.

Ahh so it’s a lot either way lol. Guess you’re right itd be better in refined form. Think I’ll wait to see what happens tho. Thanks!