Also, had a brainstorm earlier, we should have gelatinous resin to find, the idea i had is after processing the resin with gleams to get a “jelly block” like tinted glass but bouncy and wobbly, we would have a field day making bouncy castles and other fun oddities, might be another way to give us more recreation, not to mention cool bouncy sculptures.
That be cool I imagine my builds…
I can already see some people crying
I love Minecraft jelly blocks. Maybe these could be made of tallow and goo kernels.
Well we have trampolines, closest thing currently. I fear any additional bouncy things, unless it’s been fixed (which is not to my knowledge), bouncy feet quirk will kill us faster than an angry elite cuttletrunk
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Bouncy feet + trampoline can kill you?
they wouldnt be GLEAM bright, but more or less like tinted glass with a jiggle, think jello
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I’d love those. also got an idea: hover block - fully rotatable block that has 1 face that pushes the player 4-5 blocks away with a constant stream of air or something. could look like a vent with a rotating fan in it, maybe powered by spark
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