A Dark Portal has been activated!

From the journal of Havok “Kovah” 40k:

Over the last few days, I’ve been working closely with my new… associate… in unraveling the secrets of an ancient relic his organization recently dragged from the depths of the frozen lake east of New Berlyn City. He, along with his dogmatic organization that he just referred to as “the Illuminated” made the discovery roughly a week ago, and quickly erected it upon a small platform near their compound established on the glacial haven.
I worked many long nights cleaning and deciphering the runes etched around the perimeter of the structure. After a few nights of hard examination, I still was not quite certain that this was indeed a relic of the fabled Oort. Certainly, aspects of the ancient script were entirely Oortian in nature, with it’s geometric simplicity, but there were other segments that seemed totally foreign. A lost dialect? An undiscovered language? It did not share the mathematical logic of Oortian script, but was instead a scrawling, sweeping pattern like a brush across paper.
Regardless, I was able to decipher enough of the Oortian runes to eventually discern a purpose. It was indeed a portal, much akin to the likes we have discovered before in abundance. However, this portal was notably different.
Foremost, was it’s size. at 7 units wide and 9 units tall, it far exceeded the typical size of common interplanetary portals. From this fact alone, it was evident that it is intended to connect to worlds far far beyond any we have ever known.
Secondly, was it’s fuel requirements. Now as any intrepid explorer should know, 50 Oort shards are required to open any interplanetary portal, and varying degrees more are required per hour of maintained connection. Basic knowledge taught in any explorer’s guild academy. But what was unsettling about this portal… and indeed my new companion’s company… was the opening cost.
Now, I’ve no love for the wild spitters that populate the known worlds. But I do not see how their mass slaughter, nor the strange ritual performed by this cult of “The Illuminated” could possibly aid in the opening of a portal, even one as large and foreboding as this one… but it did. The screams of spitters dying in the hundreds… and the unearthly green glow that followed… I will never forget.
Where ever this Dark Portal leads too… I’m sure there is a reason the Oort tried to dispose of it in the bottom of that frozen sea.

Hey everyoort! Please allow me to formerly unveil the creation (or rather, the beginning of) a new portal network to connect the Boundless universe! Now, story aside, this portal network is intended to act much as many of you are familiar with through the old Prozee1 hub with a few small differences in organization. Rather than a colossal hub with many small outlets and various direct connections to get lost in, this is a simple 3-hop hub. There will be a small central hub with only 4 connections, one to each home world. from each home world, there will be a larger hub connecting specifically to that local regions worlds. So, from Berlyn to Munteen VII, you will simply travel through the Berlyn portal to the central hub, then to EU’s home world, Therka, and then to Munteen through the inner-region hub. This keeps navigation down to just regions that can be seen in the sky above each home world, rather than through ring worlds. The central hub is parked in the dreary skies above Nasharil, and floats high above any threats from creatures. Just… don’t fall off! There are no handrails to protect the incautious.

This is still a work in progress, but the first connection from Berlyn to the Hub is completed! I’ll be working tirelessly on the remaining three platforms after work all week. Feel free to visit and explore while I work! I will be basing each platform on portals from some of my favorite sci-fi and fantasy universes including Oblivion, Warcraft, Warhammer40k, and Stargate SG-1. I hope to see this grow into a successful community hub that will stick around as we march toward a 1.0 release!

Here is a screenshot of the Berlyn connection. Themed after the Dark Portal in Warcraft! Enjoy! Coordinates 31N, -1474E, New Berlyn City.


wicked cant wait to see the other finished portals

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I’ve got a lot of help with materials for this one from a lot of contributors. Special thanks to
Anybody else I have forgotten this early in the morning. I hope to have more screens to share soon! The sheer unnecessary size of these portals and the fact that they are floating over lakes of freaking lava make for steep production and maintenance costs, but I’m confident that the end results will more than justify the effort.


hey havok i found a spot for a therka portal and im beginning to fill it withs conduit 8by8
my question is its two plots wide so how wide you need and do you create both sides
ps i like stargate SG-1 so tealc standing next to it i would not mind hahaha

also i expanded plaza bigtime and more people join into plaza all the time
just wated to mention this wink wink lolz :sunglasses::star_struck::sunglasses::star_struck::sunglasses::star_struck:

forget tealc i want a stargate duuhhh :smile:

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hey havok portals ready to open :slight_smile:
im just chilling waiting for it to open

my innernerd when it opens
be like


@the-moebius do you have a GIF addiction?

i think so i like them sprucing up the forum

Gon a have to wait until I get home from work, lol. I’ll start work on a Pixelgate connection tomorrow. Anybody there willing to sponsor a local hub network?

I have a small network that connects to Pixelgate - leads to Munteen, then on to Therka, Septerfon and Vulpto. Not sure I have the resources to power another one alone though.

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I’m intending to power the large connections myself, I may host a sort of charity hunt event to “fundraise” oort stones and shards to power the network for a few weeks. I have a projected cost of 960 per day, or 40320 for 6 weeks. I currently have half of this 6 week goal covered.


Therka portal to @the-moebius hub is now open! Next target: Solum. @Stretchious, you said you have a hub in pixelgate? Do you have room for a large portal connection there? I think an Oblivion Gate is about to emerge…


I’ll jump on and check if there’s room available. How much space to you need?

Yes. I want to see that done!!

The portal is likely to be 7x10, and for the frame I have in mind I will likely need 3-4m to either side. If this is too large for the space, I’m sure I can make adjustments, or even establish a remote connection to your hub from elsewhere.

Cool - I just claimed a space of 3x2 plots, so it should fit in there no problems :wink:

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hey havok i love the portal cant wait for stretchious to be next
i build most of the frame and the metal part but the top needs some chiseling
ill put a box with mats there :slight_smile: also it should be pushed more to the right
:frowning: but if thats an issue is up to you i can provide the 500shard fee to move it
but wonder if its more needed to keep it open :grinning:
ill put it all together ready for you grtz moebius :sunglasses:
ps :found the guy who opent it under water as a joke he didn even asked for a refund its al cool with him lolz

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