A filter for forged gear would be amazing

It would be amazing if we could get a filter when using the buy from tab in knowledge. It’d be a relief to search for a specific forge ability (auto harvest, glow, liquid breaker, etc)


This would be absolutely game changing

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Yes please!

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A way to search for specific forges would be best, but just to be able to find any specific forged item would be a huge step in the right direction and help lead us to actively stocked forge shops.

If I could choose between the gleambow event and this I would choose this for sure. There is an awful lot of stuff on the dev’s plates but let’s hope that this is high up on their radar.


Iirc when the the shop scanner was released they said something about adding color and forged info in the future.

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The underlying systems support this. What is missing is all the UI elements to facilitate its use (which is no small thing)

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I cant even imagine how such a screen would look like and on top of that it would have to fit in with the aesthetic and be accessible across platforms. I can certainly understand why they haven’t put it in yet since it is a lot of work. But I would still very much like to see it.