A gofundme for HOST

I don’t overclock :slight_smile: there was no need.
But it’s from 2016 and I was back then playing a mmorpg which had afk botting system.
I had my laptop on for 24/7 and for months…
Now 6 years later it has been good to me!

Anywho if everything works out as it should, the PC would arrive Monday


I’m expecting an unboxing and setup live stream :wink:


Nice, my laptop is basically a screen and a usb c port. Everything else stopped responding to include the builtin keyboard. It is for all intents and purposes a micro pc as I even use a separate screen to work it. I thought about just ripping it out of the casing and building it’s own case with a better heat management system as that’s the point of this laptop’s life.

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Sounds like you need a GoFundMe seems that everyone is doing it!

I need a new computer to be a backup for the 2 I already have. Maybe I’ll start one too.


I could legit use a gaming pc
I haven’t had one since I was 16… I’m 36

@host looks like you met your goal matey!

Wait. I’m 37.


I’m sure you don’t look a day over 25…

I do pass for younger. Do a lot of walking, eat healthy, don’t drink

Total opposite to me hahaha :grin::grin::sob:


Consider replacing your alcohol with weed sir
Way better for you

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But is it though?

Oh no no no, if I wanted a new computer I would of bought one. I’m saving my gofund me for something serious like a prototype vtol

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Looks awesome! im so happy with it thank you all so much


Awesome! Awesome!