A grind for a grinds sake, or an integral part of the game

To expand on this, I compact a LOT stuff and refine a lot as well. Nevermind the chore if you’re a brick maker and have 50 tables lined up for stone making. If you have 20 refiners setup and 20 compactors setup, on top of the tables for making stone that’s a lot of time spent doing very menial(ie: boring/dull/etc) but required tasks.

It’s a huge quality of life boost so we can queue up the timers, so we can be involved in other aspects of the game more instead of spending 20 minutes queuing up 30 craft on every machine.


Ahh thanks. Yeah I would agree that an additional option to craft all that you can and filling up the queue is nice. Sometimes when doing 10 mass crafts across 20 refineries or whatever you kind of want to pull your hair out. It would be nice to touch each refinery only 1 time to execute all 10 of the mass crafts.

Fixed a slight correction in your statement.

30 clicks across 20 machines. 600 clicks.
Need to setup 20 other machines right after that? 600 more clicks.
Before you did all those? 50 tables and 30 clicks each? 1500 clicks.

it makes using a macro in this case almost needed if you craft in high volumes. Whomever used the game "Cookie Clicker’ was right on the money in this aspect.


Actually I wasn’t exactly trying to link to your 30 craft example was just making a general example of my own. Either way, I definitely get the point.

I would personally be against this type of mechanic since I am more the type that likes game emersion. I don’t mind doing a few steps for things like few you need to kick off a mass craft. Overall, though, I do believe in high efficiency and feel if the game was real life, any person, wouldn’t design a system to do the 1500 you talk about.

Instead they would streamline their workflow and bring in automation, etc. So I am certainly on board with additional features that lower the friction of having to kick off mass crafts and other things like that.

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I just wanted to make sure we all were on the same page in terms of click amounts.

Honestly, if we could just hold down the craft button to continue queuing crafts even that would be a step up. Gatherers dont have to continually click to mine or chop.


Craft all button has been suggested numerous times.
I do not know why its not in the game.
This is some BASIC stuff devs… cmon


If it makes u feel better i make marble and gravel. That adds a whole other level of sucking to my bricks example lol.

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I do marble and mosaic! lol. yes. I think there’s a group of us that enjoy a certain type of pain. lmao

Sadists united lol. I envy the pc players who can macro and have autoclickers :disappointed_relieved:


I’m not gonna lie, when its a crafting day I definitely move to the PC account. Crafting large chunks on PS4 is a form of selfhate. lol


my self im starting to think its grind for grinds sake cuz its easier look at the new patch in testing

thing number 3xx that you now need to grind the mats for to then try and maybe fail to forge to access the new content rather then just making a new type of tool to handle the Latticework

i would not be surprised if a year down the line we have to stage forge things in order to make something so forge boon a to be able to get boon b on it in order to get boon c that you want

Which tool do you use on PC?

I’ve found one that is free but it’s nagging to buy the pro version and it was a bit more work than I expected to get it going… (ie. it can do more than I actually need)

Any Logitech peripheral tbh. Be it a mouse or keyboard.

For example, set up a key to just spam left click while you hold the designated key down.

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Ehmm, but I have a Trust keyboard and mouse LOL

Oh sorry, I’ve only ever bought Logitech peripherals. Their software allows for a large customization of keybinds and mouse clicks.

They’re very helpful if you’re older and have bad wrists or just bad wrist problems in general. You don’t have to be old to have wrist injuries.

Sorry I’m clueless as to any other tools outside of those items.


AutoHotkey (commonly AHK) is the best type of thing for this, in my opinion. You should be a wizard at it within 5 minutes @AeneaGames :stuck_out_tongue: Though maybe it still does more than you actually need…

It’s got fairly decent documentation and is likely to be one of the more popular choices for idle-clicker games. It’s pretty versatile and actually my main non-automation use for it in recent times has been with Grim Dawn, for easy ability bar swaps.

Saves on a lot of needless pain for me with several games, either way.

Kind of unrelated to the above, just also wanted to comment that I pretty much agree with this:


The grind does wear on you. I enjoyed it for awhile but I suffered massive burnout and nearly quit. I have found a new joy for the game by just focusing on building. Luckily, I have enough materials and coin where the “grind” is now minimal.

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I really limit my crafting and play because of coil repairs. I hate coil repairs so much. I keep advocating for AoE repair tools.

we got them they just sadly have never been fixed so that they work.

Hopefully we can get @james to consider reviewing these long standing problems. I love new content and the glass/windows, but honestly i think if the message was that these were coming i would be even more pleased than i am at the new content