A Question about Locks

Hi everyone!

I’m new and I’m confused about locks. What are they good for?
Googling only yields very few and contradicting information.
Is my stuff really unprotected when I dont have locks? - (Since the components are quite deep in the Skill tree.)
When I checked out my neighbor’s creations I noticed that all their stuff and storage is marked as “locked” dispite they don’t have locks either.

Is the beacon enough to protect my storage?

Best wishes,


Hi Kirinvar,

Yes - the beacon is enough to protect your things. The only thing I know of that locks are good for is the objective.


only people you add to your beacon can use/manipulate your stuff. At present the only thing a lock does is keep others from opening doors.


Many thanks for your fast replies! :kissing_heart:

Yes your Beacon it enough to protect your goodies from all.
But if you add someone to it, make sure you trust them because then they have access to all.
The locks stop people from coming into you base and looking around.
Or maybe you have a secret room you don’t want any one to see and have the rest of your base open to take a look at your build.
Have fun with the game, and all the people on the forum are real nice and will help you out all you have to do is ask
QueenNuts :doug: