Aart Online

Hey, I made some fanart and I hope you like it. I spent a few hours on it so feedback is appreciated. Developers, if you want to feature it on your site feel free to do so.


Hey, April 1st is passed, Dude :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea, I know. Whats your point?

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looks like you had a few hours of fun with it

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I like it. Its beautiful - you know more of the delevopers than me : )

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it looks beautiful
@ben look at this!

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Yea, I spent a few hours researching.

Did you know - in German the term pug (dog) is called Mops. Is one of the nicest words around simply because of its pronounciation. A voxel Mops therefore could be a Vops. :blush:


You spelt my name wrong! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not that i can talk since my username is also misspelt…

the k is not a k its a c that looks like a k. ok?

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yeah, but the plural of the german “Mops” is “Möpse”, and that is also an synonym for the “two upper female special parts” … so do you really want to have “Vöpse” in a game ment for kids ?!¿¡?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I explicitly stated this as a pronounciation (Wortlaut) matter. Not intended to sexify. Though the relation is obvious. Mõps.


Guys!! Calm down, this is getting out of control!

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of cause I knew that … just wanted to make a small joke about your one :wink:

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I really hope this game isn’t going to be ment for kids :smiley:
I want to have a healthy community :stuck_out_tongue:

It will be designed so that also kids can play it. That means no gore, no hard drugs an no sexuality for example. But all that will not harm the community :wink:

Kids kinda ruined the minecraft community.

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I think that beacons and the regeneration will cleanse the traces of most stuff which may annoy us … And if nothing helps there are still the owned servers :wink: