About Armor/Clothes - Wearables

ahhhhhhh, ok… leave that train in the train shed for now then, until it’s ready to start accepting passengers :wink:


[sad, slowly descending in pitch, choo choo noise]


What’s the opposite of “All Aboooooard!”?

“All Disembaaaaaaaark!”


What does nota concepted mean? And btw did you like the hood off/on idea?

Like concept artists have yet to create images for the wearables. But the fact that Ben was able to share that list of where on the body the wearables will go means that they have a rough idea (design) of what they’d like to do.


Ok thank you might one.

sounds good XD

I wonder of these 5 core sets are comparable with terraria’s 5 basic armors

Put minecraft out of your mind- We don’t want to do things like minecraft, we want to do things better than minecraft. We want to do things minecraft won’t even attempt. This is not to be a minecraft clone or minecraft 2.0. This is to be an entirely new game from scratch.

Boundless’ armour sets won’t be linear like mc. Each set will have unique properties, but similar values. Does that help?


I said minecraft as an example --’ this game hás nothing tondo with it but minecraft hás the best for comparisingbthats all. It hás the basic bronze silver gold leather and diamond armors. I could say terraria but it hás a LOT of armor sets.

Yes it helps. But let me just say people WILL compare this to minecraft no matter what. And I will now: Boundless promises to be much much better than minecraft. Its helps thank you. But, just to clarify even more, its like comparing call of duty with battlefield or age of empires with starcraftor street fighter with tekken or LoL with DOTA. Its just the same type of game and an easy, relatable, knowlable(I dont know the right word) comparison to do even if the games are complete diferent and play differently they are the same type of game.

I know people will compare it to mc, I’ve been here long enough to see it done countless times. I’m not trying to lecture you, I hope my previous reply did not come out that way. I just want to encourage thinking outside of Minecraft’s box.


Minecrafts box :wink:

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You seemed too, but its ok. Did you see when i said “minecraft is an ezample”? Also i felt lectured because im used to it because(x2) i come from a mostly mindless comunity of players. You can say im a damaged dog, if you know what i mean.

Edit: i edited the word minecraft to terraria and plus “BASIC” and see if it isnt the same thing. Your comment can still make total sense when saying that Boundless armor’s won’t be linear.

… Does that mean that we get “whole item” drops or are the mats for crafting those items of a higher rarity? … I would like the second :wink:


does it also mean that for each “wool shoulder armor” in a set there are ones more rare and others less rare? that would be fun!

Yeah. We want getting a whole set of something (eg: Wool - Variant 1 for all 15 pieces) to feel like a real achievement.


thats really nice! we sure will have to work our asses off if we want the more powerful armors and maybe all items too! love that

300 individual pieces times 16 tints…4800 things to collect for a total 320 full sets of gear. And that’s just 1.0 armor.

A collector’s dream! Can’t wait!