Active worlds

i wanna know what worlds are players most actuve in i still havent seen a player in the game yet. i see sometimes payers are online like me and some one else i say hello but they never reply either can they see my messages?

The exact same question has already been asked (and answered) here:

+It’s Christmas, so many players (including me) are probably sending time with their relatives instead of playing B<.

christmas whas 2 days ago all is done for us atleast

hmm wierd i actully serched before posting but i couldent find eny about it well now i feel dumb

B<, never heard that one before.

][ ist still my favorite but nearly noone would get it xD

Is that coding lingo?

It’s more math lingo^^ ]0,1[ means an interval between 0 and 1 excluding 0 and 1. So the bounds are 0 and 1, if you say ][ it is bound less^^

how you know all that?

Ah. Not that high level yet, still in HS :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m studying Computer Science and this is math 101^^

@dwarvenname Yea, I think we didn’t have that then either^^

lol so you can hack stuf and code games

Behold the mighty programmer who can do everything and doesn’t know how he did it.


amg give me autograph

~Kuma~ (10 chars)

yay dammit i cant type only yay

That’s all of us :stuck_out_tongue:

Programming in a nutshell:

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hehe lol your right

German detected :smile:

I´m so glad that I can do most of the stuff I need directly in assembler :joy:

THAT happens way to often! xD I mean the two words are really close but still^^

And yes assembler is fun^^ We learned it while planning our own micro processor^^

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