Add a way to change character name

This isn’t a new suggestion, but with the new updates related to the skill page incoming, and looking at how a lot of people name their alt characters related to their purpose, I think it’s a good time to bring up this suggestion again. Specialized characters will be less of a requirement, and a lot of characters will end up practically misnamed (because now a single character can do almost everything, there’s no purpose to the crafting/gathering/mining/etc alts anymore aside from plots).

Deleting character is a thing, sure, but alts are also used for plots (personally, it’ll be hell to have to replot all my alts just for new name for each), this isn’t a good solution.

As for how it should be implemented, IMO it’s quite obvious, the cubit shop is already mainly for changing/improving the character, a name change purchase perfectly fits there.


I believe the previous argument against this was it was to avoid abuse, even though that seems like something i could do with 10 character slots pretty easily

edit nope i was mistaken that was a comment by the users not the devs, i went back to look for the post and found the original comment that this is on the soon™ timeline Change Player Name

A good way to prevent abuse might be to have a minimum cooldown-period (a month/three months, whatever) for a name change to be possible and to also have some kind of visible thing that shows others what the character was previously named if the change was recent (say half-a-month or a month ago).

A certain popular website on which you can sell things allows free username changes with similar conditions, if memory serves correctly.

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But if all my alts are only there for plots I’ll have to come up with multiple puns just on the plot theme for their names :sweat_smile:

And I know Harry Plotter has been taken.


What kind of abuse exactly? I feel like anything about it that you can abuse, you already can abuse by deleting and making a new character, just slower/more tedious.

The only ‘unique’ abuse that I can think of is constantly changing names to confuse (or even scam) people, but this can be easily solved by having a “past names” list along with name change cooldown. It wouldn’t be free either, and since cubit isn’t something tradable/buyable with coin, it’s hard to abuse this way anyway.

updated my reply, my mistake this is a soon™ feature

This has been in the game files for quite a while, so it is at least something they have worked on and maybe just not finished yet.

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Why not add an alias instead of actually charging the name and worrying something gets broken?
Then just display the alias.


I need to change my character name, please add it.

any minute now.

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