Add "buy devs coffee" and "buy devs pizza" to the shop

Don’t say that loudly or the complainers will hear you and come. Dont dare them :joy:.

@AvaDancer still has a point. So yeah, keep dismissing people who ‘complain’. See where that leads. :wink:

If you were indeed thinking of people like me when mentionning complainers, the fact of the matter is that beyond complaining, I’m also a whale.
No, not an actual whale. A whale in the sense that I’m also a sucker who spends a lot of money on my video-game hobby. Waaaaaay much more than I should. After some quick maths, I’d say I’ve spent at least 450 or 500€ on this game in about a year (daaamn T_T ).

The synergy between the beacon fuel and the Gleam Club is more targeted at… < groans > …people like me who don’t wanna risk loosing their stuff to world-regen because they forget once to re-fuel. And when you’ve seen my build, you understand why I’d rather not accidentally miss a re-fuelling deadline.

Same goes with plots. There’s a lot of grinding/farming involved to get more plots to keep building. So there’s a store to buy cubits, to then buy plots (and cosmetic items).

THE POINT IS, it makes me cringe a bit when I see @Havok40k say that the updates the devs put out are “free”.
None of it is free. It’s all cleverly designed to hit a minority of players, that’s all.
The game has been officially released waaaay before reaching most of its promises. The updates related to them are not ‘free’, they’re cumulatively paid for by those who bought the game and those who actually often spend money on the store.

All of that put aside, I also did say above that I’d gladly pay for coffee/pizza to the devs if there was an option. My only warning is that even if there’s no direct gameplay effect, there will be some who would say something along the lines of “that’s asking a bit much from their playerbase” or “that’s greedy”.
Not only would I understand them, but I also think the devs are clever enough to have thought of that too.
So they might never add such a feature.
But if you find a way to send them more donations on your own without them setting up such a feature, that could work too. You can also buy stuff on the store. Might not mean coffees, beers or pizzas for them, but that’s still a win-win.

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I could use some pizza too ya know

I didnt comment on what Ava said and i didnt explicitly mention anyone - you did :joy:. It was just a joke.

thank you, that is what I was trying to say. Those who are unhappy are the biggest assets to glean information from. Too often they are dismissed, and sometimes very rudely. Not that long ago a well liked member here told a dissatisfied player to quit. The Steam avg. pc player numbers have dropped 72% in one year and a superfan tells a player to quit? That is crazy.


And @RedY3 said exactly what I was expecting him to say, with the classical “oh you think I was talking about you? But I didn’t say your name!”. Still made that “too many people complain” remark, as if that was a bad / illegitimate thing to do.
Yeah, it was a joke. Suuuuure. Ha-ha, funny joke.

In the past, I’ve already made a thread about it : Complaining vs Praising

To tie things up with what I said above about whales :whale: I know that some big spenders aren’t really playing the game anymore. That shouldn’t be dismissed by a “ugh, complainers”!

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I don’t think this is possible. I kind of treat someone quitting a video game a lot like someone quits going to a restaurant or store. They just do without giving you feedback and it’s pretty difficult to get feedback from those people without invading their privacy (email or snail mail or even a phone call).

Also, the developers need to not be afraid of changing their game so that it brings in as many players as possible even if it upsets the current players playing. All of us could very well not be the actual player base 1 or 2 years from now because Wonderstruck makes the business decision to grow their customer base behind their largest product and with the greatest amount of upside.

In all honesty, if they had a demo, set of tutorial worlds, and slashed the price tag at least minimum 50%, they will start bringing in more people. It’s an expensive game for something that lacks a tremendous amount of features. Right now it’s just a glorified building game and any other game that lets you build a base or factory or workshop or massive complex structures is going to be a lot more attractive of a product and most likely at a cheaper price point.

Personally the fact there isn’t any replayable end game that keeps getting the bar pushed out like you see in pretty much every other MMO is most likely the underlining reason why I am not even playing much at all anymore. None of my friends want to play this over priced and feature lacking game when they have a plethora of other games that offer similar or more entertaining experiences.

There’s other issues too I have with the game but I think these are some of the biggest ones.

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That is a fair point. But how about those who voice their dissatisfaction on this forum and are dismissed?

there are barely any current players playing. So don’t bring in as many players as possible because it might upset the meager two or three hundred current players? I love the game as is, but is this sustainable?

I have heard this complaint before and am sure many others feel the same way. Personally, I am very happy with the game but do not think it is sustainable as is.

I have six or seven hundred hours in the game so it has been cheap for me.

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I think he was mostly referring to those who quit after explaining why on the forums (or on the “what turns you off playing Boundless” thread). Or those who may still hang around the forum but aren’t playing any more. Last I heard, @FireAngelDth fits that description. BTW: hey, bud. ;p

By demo, you mean like a set of worlds available to players for free without the retail price to try it out, get a taste? I like that! Those could be considered Tier 0 worlds. But wouldn’t they need some limits, like “no chat, no guilds”?
And the -50% price also sounds good.

Like, I’ve already mentioned how CV is a F2P game with the pro-account thingy. Even if their pro-account (20€) was a full retail price like Boundless, it would still be half the price of Boundless (40€), and both games have micro-transactions. Even Minecraft’s retail price is only 24€.
I think it’s fair to say that Boundless is comparatively a very expensive game.
So really, when you think about it, since Boundless requires you to fuel your beacons to keep your work around (which isn’t an issue on CV if you build on the private world you’re given even if you’re playing for free without pro-account, meaning your work will last as long as CV stays live), why is Boundless so much more expensive?

But then again, CV isn’t necessarily in a great place either.
Their average player count was at 1100+ in february 2018, and it’s now down at 400+.
But I’m sure it will rise up when they release their block-painting update. Even I might end-up jumping back on my old world to see what has changed.


I am one of those people. I stopped giving my feedback so openly because of all the blatant disagreement on everything I’ve brought up. So I just kind of gave up on giving constructive feedback.

I brought that up cause a lot of my work experience and background is in restaurants and food service (although now I work in a lumber yard that services contractors). Basically a lot of business owners fear about losing their existing business even though the potential to gain a larger customer base is pretty much worth the risk. They would rather maintain status quo and kill their business out of fear of doing something that’s going to upset 200 people cause they can’t see how it would satisfy thousands. Not trying to claim that the leadership behind Wonderstruck is doing this, but I’ve seen it way too many times to not think it’s a possibility.

In light of explaining that, I do want to say that I believe Wonderstruck is laser focused on bringing new content to the game and fixing bugs and glitches. They certainly aren’t sitting on their hands doing nothing or off on some beach drinking beers served to them by somebody that’s smoking hot. I just don’t see that being the reality. I kind of wish I was on a beach right now though. lol

That’s cause it isn’t. I don’t know how much investment money Square Enix put into the publishing deal and certainly don’t know what Wonderstruck’s base line costs are, but I do know that the game isn’t growing and the current players don’t have enough personal funds to keep the game going forever.

Hopefully something like dungeons get put into the game cause that could be the gateway to some end game content that players actually make. We also don’t have Titans and a plethora of other creatures that concept art was made for that’s buried in the forums. James even mentioned about getting us airships and that suggests vehicles in general (land, sea, and air).

We also don’t have a largest variety of weapons, tools, and gear items (gear being grapples). We don’t have wearable armor either which could very well revamp how we load out our characters for various activities, such as mining, hunting, building, etc.

I have 929 hours logged onto Steam. I’ve played all the way back when character models were 2 block high orange squares and when the game was called Oort Online. I’ve bought $200 USD worth of Cubits on top of $250 Wayfarer backer package. Not as much as others but I still consider the game at a price point of $40 for a new person way to expensive.

The price of a product isn’t about who currently has it. It’s about what will get it to move units of the product to bring in sales to grow the business. After all, this is part of the DNA of a business. Trying to go against that will fail 100% of the time.

I can understand that. That has been my whole point in this entire discussion. Were you the one that was told to quit? Whoever it was, that really blew my mind.

Nobody told me anything. If someone told me to quit I’d tell them where to stick their suggestion. It isn’t their business or place to tell me what to do. I just got tired of having to explain my position or reasoning behind things over and over. So I just stopped entirely.

I get you, there, man. At one point, I’m gonna be super tired of being called a ‘complainer’ (or feeling like I’m targeted as one).

Also, I can confirm that I personally know half-a-dozen players who will come back in a heartbeat when/if rental worlds are added.

We all have some features we wanna see. Problem is, in which order will they be tackled?

I mean, I’m still flabbergasted about the fact we still don’t have ladders. Freaking ladders! That’s like such a base thing in a building game! o_o"
I’d be a little p*ssed-off if we get the Warper-Hunter creature before ladders.

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Except it wasn’t a joke as much as it was mocking part of the community, which automatically implies that you were going to annoy someone. You missed your target and caught me. Too bad for both of us.

Dunno if you two have a history of sorts but I totally didn’t see it that way at all, that it was meant for one or more specific people.

Anyway, as for ‘complainers’, well, depends on the type. We all can have very legitimate complaints and being dismissed is bad but I also feel that the past few months a lot of people complain no matter what happens or what is changed and that might make other people a tad annoyed.

Not saying you are like that BTW, not at all, don’t even know by heart what you have talked about that needs changing in the past few months it’s just that people do seem to complain a lot, often enough before thinking things through. heck even I did once the recipes for concrete and gravel/sand were made public, I thought it would ruin my plans of mass crafting concrete (and gravel/sand) but have severely upgraded my inorganic farming and it’s totally not an issue anymore for me.

Nah, we don’t.
But I’m really super annoyed by the “complainers” thing, in general. Since the discussion in this thread isn’t shared among a large number of people (it’s mostly you, me, AvaDancer and now Crypticworlds - ok, mostly me, because I’m working from a computer with internet and I have a lot of waiting to do when 3DsMax renders pictures), I felt targeted, but in general, I don’t really see myself too much as a complainer, as I write a lot of suggestions and constructed remarks with potential solutions to problems. I purposefully stayed out of the whole concrete/gravel/sand thing, for instance. This latest update is a good one in my book.

Yea I did fit that description till this update hit. But I’m still unhappy with what’s going on with the lighting in my place. Going to try and change a few more things and if it fixes it I’ll keep playing but if it’s still being wonky I’ll be gone again.

Tho I’d say I don’t need buy devs coffee or pizza option as I’ve spent a good amount of money on the game already. Lol. But I can see why someone else might. But as those kind of options go I’d rather give money towards the game opposed to the developers getting food or drinks. Money to the game = more development. Money towards food n drink is just that food n drink.

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Okay, when I read that several things went thru my mind, one of them of what could happen when they do add these options (pizza, coffee).

dev 1 “aww shoot”
dev 2 “what’s up?”
dev 1 “50 more people bought us a coffee, bound to not be sleeping again tonight”
dev 2 “well, be glad it’s not another 10 pizza’s like yesterday, still stuffed from those!”
dev 1 “I have some bad news for you then…”
doorbell rings


Even tho they call it pizza/coffee for the devs what they basically mean is to support the devs financially without getting anything in return, the money will go to development not necessarily to actual pizza/coffee!

To think it all would go to the game is thinking everything works as it should. Not that WS has given a reason for us to doubt that’s what it would be used for(development) but in reality it could be used for whatever they feel like. Could be paying personal bills or gifts to other people(birthdays and whatnot). To me thinking things are going to be used as they should in any topic is slightly ignorant/sheltered view on life. Even our money that’s used to buy in game stuff isn’t guaranteed to be used for the development of the game. But it’s much more likely to be used that way opposed to an account that just gets donations.

Maybe I’m just unlucky and only see the bad sides of society and the world. And have a poor view of how things work in life. Or I can blame my state cause it’s pretty freaking corrupt :joy:(seriously tho it is)

No that sh*t better be a tip jar if they added it.

Using a tool like that to take money for the company coffers rather than employee bonuses is S-H-A-D-Y.

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