Add this lighting effect please!

Can we have the lighting effect around the stand in sanctum as a craftable in game?

Maybe it’s an effect that can be achieved by machined or decorative gleam?


Would be great to have for those special tools we hold on to or to show sales in a shop.


Yeah, used like a spot light!

Could also be used to add a rainbow of light beams across entrances/exits, spaceship builds could add red ones as engine fire, etc!

I’m sure the hugely creative player base could find lots of ways to to make use of something like this :grinning:


Thatd look really neat on some of those more ominous builds. Or at the front podium in unusualpie’s church’s!

+1 from me.

But how would we place it and pick it back up? Wayfarer totem with revive augment? But call the augment something else, like effect augment or recapture augment maybe?

I thought of it as a a block that emits a directional light beam, almost like a spot light.

Machined or decorative gleam would fit the bill?


That would be even better!!! Excellent idea! Great way to draw people to your Shop!

This would be awesome. I would put these all around my shop.

Just thought I’d bump this back up, hoping to see if it would be possible?

Just a sugggestion
direct beam light, craftable block that emit light in staight line for lets say,… 3,5,7 blocks depend of materials? and beam color depends of used gleam

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