Read lots of posts/comments of how the economy is dying, of how players are quitting for a variety of reasons. My son and I have discussed it and we both go why haven’t the devs added NPC? It would add so much to the game.
Vendors – they could have shops where they buy items that we get while out, rocks, lots and lots of rocks. It is getting hard to sell them as very few stores buy them. One seems to have closed its portal, or at least it was closed today.
They can also buy other items we collect a lot of (Flint!) and is for the most part useless.
Quests – NPC could give out quests. Go to this planet (or settlement, city or anywhere) and bring me back such and such. Maybe make so many meaty casseroles, something that doesn’t take a lot of supplies, needs high level to make and be given a good price for it, They could be set to buy a set limit; make me five of them and get a huge profit. You can only go there and do that quest once a day, so it would keep players from making that item nonstop.
Have players take a item to another vendor. Go and collect 20 yams and 10 inky leaves. When you finish that you are told to take it to Vendor John Doe on planet such and such. the item can determine the level of the planet. the yams would go to level 1 and 2 planets, take three wildstock eyes would go to level two and three planets.
I’m thinking of something like the Firangi from Star Trek: TNG where they were all about business. Something like that could show up on planets as they see them as a way to make money. The programing could have a set number show up near a hamlet or settlement of a certain size, Not inside the cities, but on the outer edges.
It would help the economy, give some added fun to the game, the desire to do something beside make/craft items that you can no longer sell as there are fewer and fewer players to buy them. Vendors can give you the option of picking one of three quests, easy, medium and hard.
Anyone have other ideas for NPC and quests or something to get the economy going and attract new players?
DEVS Pay attention Please!