Advanced Block Placement Skill

Does anyone know how to leverage this skill? What tool, steps, etc?

I know it was added last patch but there is nothing talking about how to use it that I could find.


I just read the explanation somewhere and can’t find it.

Basically without it, however/whatever side you place a block, it’ll have the same orientation.

With the skill, it’ll change orientation depending on the face you place it.

Y’know, how blocks have different patterns on different sides, I mean that…
…there must be a better explanation :stuck_out_tongue:

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@Jiivita newest video on release 182 explains this skill.

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thank you… I expected some tool or something since many had requested an easier way to place blocks than how you looked at things. We can’t always face the right direction. I’ll check out the video though.


lol yeah this was my first thought too… however w/o the skill you simply place all blocks face up… with the skill it acts as it did b4 the update :wink:


well I hope they take our suggestion seriously and are looking at a tool though. It is very hard to get blocks to place sometimes the way you want them to.


Yeah, @TwistedFoot was showing me the rotation system in creativerse some time back… something like that in skill/tool form would be amazing!


I was also expecting a way to rotate the blocks with a tool or key stroke. It seems that all this does is require a skill for what we could already do prior to the release.