Airships [And other misc vehicles that seem pointless next to airships]

the warps are temporal as far as i got, but i know. i just talked about say you make a wayshrine at the chapel, you can then teleport to every other wayshrine on the server, in that way, it would be op, but if you needed to make portals for every single other portal on the server for every single area with a portal, it wouldnt , cause i wont happen xD

I’m willing to entertain the idea a bit further. Firstly let me justify a few of the reasons for my view point.

Free flight in RPG’s sounds great, but in actual use, players just fly from quest to quest, or town to town and avoid any terrain barriers or monsters all together. This is a large part of why flight was abolished from WoW in Draenor.

Point to point travel is different. You still have to venture out into the world on foot to complete quests or find resources, and you are exposed to dangers when doing so, however if you’re just trying to get from city to city this provides a safe convenient alternative.
Warps are already a planned feature in the game, and with a very low start up cost, you can instantly get from point A to point B. This however can be expensive over repeated journeys since it will cost a shard on every trip. It also lacks any real excitement when you just walk through and instantly arrive at your destination.

So how would Airships be different than warps, and how do they justify the time and money it takes to implement them in the game? (Note, I don’t entirely agree with the idea, I’m just exploring the idea a bit.)

Airships would firstly be different than warps in that they have a very high start up cost to build them. Building an airship would require that you build TWO valid docking platforms for the ship to land at (where as warps only require you to set a start point, then you can either enter coordinates or teleport to a random location without an end point.)
Secondly, airships would not be instant transit between these two points, but rather travel at a set pace. This would require the game calculate a path from point A to point B that would avoid any obstacles to the airships path.
Thirdly, Airships could hypothetically transport more than just the player (and their inventory) from point A to B. Airships could potentially carry multiple players and chests of cargo all at once.
As an added bonus, airships would simply be more fun to ride on while in transit between two cities. It could be the sign of an advanced planet to have networks of these airships between major player cities, much like rail stations are used in MC today. An added bonus over a rail system is that you do not have ugly rail lines crossing the terrain on unsupported floating platforms.

Some major cons to having airships need to be considered too. In my experience, plugins like Achilles or other ship building mods in MC work fine in single player, but get very heavy on server performance when used online. Also, a way has to be decided how to actually define your airship. Do we go with prefabricated designs, or player built designs? If you go with player built designs, how do you tell the game what parts are the airship, and what parts are the dock? How do those blocks move smoothly through the world, is the ship converted into an entity? I’m sure all these questions can be answered by the devs, but is it worth the development costs? I’m sure some form of vehicle builder can be made, as it’s been hotly requested in the past.

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Yeah, that’s actually right - why bother with airship travel system if there are already portals that can be set and reactivated for a (small) fee. Another thing that I like about portals is that you have to actually travel to the destination point first to set the 2nd portal exit/entrance there, which is nice and logical.

Actually, I don’t think you do. Portals between planets can’t work this way, and Warps on the same planet don’t require it, and can be set to “Random Exits.”

You could use it as a sort of mobile base which I personally thing would be pretty awesome. Travelling to a place, dropping down from your ship to explore, heading back to the ship to rest before exploring some more and then moving on.
Mobile bases would allow more exploration freedom I think. You wouldn’t have to constantly trek back miles upon miles to find your home, it’d be floating overhead.
I think this would be a great idea for the game personally. Plus I’m a huge fan of ships/airships.

that was discussed here, but how big would that thing be if it was used for a home? i imagine pretty damn big, also again the same thing could be done with just travelling and setting up camps, except for the fact that using that idea would not make you virtually invincible like like flying does.

but i agree, ships could be nice ot have for the ocean worlds, but by that logic i also have to accept that airships could also work. im just afraid that it will turn into a mess of ships, and whether or not it would be worth it, because in the end what is it really? multiple people flying on 1 big thing rather than multiple people flying on multiple small things? :wink:


I wasn’t thinking they had to be That big haha, just fit a bed, chest or two, and maybe a table/chair ^_^"
Then again, if they are added (doubtful but IF) they could be something you could upgrade, start off with a tiny little ship and then as you find more items you could upgrade it yourself or purchase/trade for an upgrade in town by an NPC possibly. Thus giving you a reason to explore if you want a bigger, cooler ship (maybe even a bit faster down the line)

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They have said that Npc’s are not part of the plan atm, they really want to avoid those. so please. try again without Npc’s im curious what you can come up with, because you have good points. but there would also be problems with things like ‘‘when does it know an airship is an airship? and should we just have premade designs to counter that?’’ to paraphrase havok.

the amount of work for that would then make airships into a major part of gameplay, but what would the point then ever be of having a small house? what would be the consequence of exploring when you can just go into your airship and hide without being afraid of dying? kinda stuff.

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No NPCs? Bummer, I like NPCs. Then in that case you’d upgrade it yourself as stated before, like crafting you’d have to collect so many of certain items (which should be hard to get, some will probably be from monster drops) in order to do so.
The upgrading itself would probably be an option in the helm, and perhaps later on a tad bit of customisation, maybe a decal on the balloon but that’s beside the point.

In addition some more casual players such as myself like the idea of having someplace safe to go, instead of constantly running for our lives we’d have a bit of relief knowing that if things get really bad we can hightail it to our base (of course we’d have to get their first) It’s stressful being out in the unknown in constant fear of death and in many cases stress does not equal fun. Not for me at least. When a game stresses me out I don’t want to play anymore, a bit is good but too much and it ruins the game for me hence why I like the idea of ships/airships so much.
Not to mention they’re just Really cool.

Yeah I’m not a tough player, I know.

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If there were some sort of console block that were required to be placed in order for an airship to be valid, then this would be an ideal place for an interface for upgrades and changes.

Want to start upgrading your airship? Click the console block, set the airship to build mode, then set it back to fly mode when you are finished.

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My thoughts exactly.

‘‘Is it a bird? is it a plane? no its a ■■■■’’

cause allowing people to make any shape of flying aircraft cannot possibly go wrong xD


I believe the “customisation” would be more colour based, not shape based.

I agree with @Zouls on this point, if it is possible people will draw a fallos on it.

LOLOL, I’m afraid that’s a risk of any sandbox building game. It’d have to be down to the community or moderators to police that.

Of course, people have already build such on the ground, if they can do it they will but that doesn’t mean building will no longer be apart of the game just because people will build and have already built inappropriate things with them.

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its just one of the flaws, i understand you as a casual player that you dont want to be punished or feel like you have to take care, but that is going to be a big part of games.

its not punishing you for exploring, because you can always run back to your house, its punishing you for exploring too far away from your house, so its risk vs reward, is it worth it to go a greater distance from your house to mine in a new area or should you stay because you are afraid of dying.

Who are you talking to here because everyone are talking about people are going to build flying fallos and how big/small problem that is.

badum tss

i was just pointing out that it would be one of the flaws, and then i adressed this text


Personally I don’t think vehicles of any kinda are all that necessary, and if anything they take away from the fun of exploration. This is why I’m opposed to jetpacks as well (with the exception of using them as a building tool). It’s also a very non essential game feature.