Allowing for consumption of multiple brews/food

Little did I realize that we cannot consume more than one brew/food recipe in order to get the added benefits of the 2nd recipe :frowning:

I’m suggesting that we should be allowed to consume a 2nd (or maybe a 3rd recipe) to get the effects of said recipe. Though, I can also see where this may be too overpowering. A super strength brew and a super fast brew (40% modifier to strength and action speed) can be overpowering in certain situations especially with the use of forged items.

So I also suggest a proper counterweight such as a penalty modifier when you consume the 2nd or 3d recipe. Meaning you won’t get the full yield.

As it stands, I can’t see much benefit to consuming certain recipes on their own when I there are better recipes to eat or drink. As an example:

  • The floating recipes see limited use on their own.
  • I’m uncertain if elemental shielding recipes (eg; burn shielding loaf) see any use either given that I can just consume a general shielding loaf for better all around protection. Or just consume a invigorating recipe to increase my HP. Sure, I can eat a burn shielding loaf when I’m on a Burn/Blast planet but then that leaves me vulnerable against other elements. I think most would just default to general shielding food.


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The kinds of things you can do with multiple boons would be a bit too overpowered.
Lemme have EXP up, well fed and persisting then add in swing speed up, damage up and you got yourself a god tier miner
Add in health up, shield up, damage up and speed up…
I think you know where this is going lol

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This is why I mentioned the penalty stacking modifier.

Honestly I think consumable buffs are in a good place right now, and the give and take aspect is the way it should be.


Can you get a food buff and a brew buff together? Or is it just one buff at a time?

One brew, one food.

stacking buffs would be too op even with penalizing
but I agree that t2+ energy/teaching/etc food should add well fed buff as well.
it doesn’t make sense to eat a t3/t4 shielding food but you have to constantly eat simple food like cooked meat to gain the well fed buff (for the hp reg) specially when you go meteor hunting.

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Don’t forget you’ll need protection foods for higher tier elemental planets. :slight_smile: