AMA “ask me anything"

Since it seems that a roadmap is not well received for whatever reasons, I get the following idea to improve transparency and communication Dev-Players:

An AMA, which is short for “ask me anything.”

I propose the following, that the development team requests that we ask them questions we have, leave us a time so that each player can express the questions they have, and those that are most repeated or those that the developers consider appropriate, answer them.

My suggestion is that you do a first test and we see if the communication format works and if so it could be converted to something usual, like once or twice a year.

This format allows players (everyone and not just a small select group) to have a source of communication with developers and improve transparency. And the company allows you to have the freedom to select the questions and select what they can tell us and what they can’t. Furthermore AMA is more dynamic and open than a roadmap.

Un ejemplo de empresa independiente que sigue este formato es Bitbox con otro juego que yo estoy jugando actualmente, Life is Feudal MMO.

What do you think?


I think they are doing better only announcing when they are ready to add the changes they have ready.

It would be amazing to know all the plans in the works, but I’ve seen to many times communities get impatient and restless hopeing that year long work will be done in two weeks. And thus more complaining and down talk to developers for not delivering quickly.

It’s also better to not to give any dates until it goes into testing.

We have an amazing game already, with it changing and growing over time. Rushing the devs will only cause them stress and hurt the game.

Right now they are doing amazing and don’t owe us anything except the game we already have. Anything else they give us is a generous bonus.

(As for what the backers were promised, that’s a different story, but they shouldn’t stress the devs either. Good work takes time)


I mean… they’re probably doing well enough in these trying times. I wouldn’t say historically things have always been ‘amazing’, but nobody’s perfect. I love these devs and supporting staff for being so cool and interactive in the past, but I’m also a monthly subscriber incentivized by more content. My 3000+ hours of gameplay is enough for the novelty of the current amount of content to have long passed. I know many others feel the same way, and also feel that’s the problem we would face with an AMA. It probably just turns into a big airing of grievances session or “when do titans release” “oh we’re still working on them” bit. I’ve seen it before, I see it now in another game I play (Guild Wars 2), and it’s not really something I would want to obligate James and his team to at the current state of affairs


Could you explain this a bit more in depth please?

Something tells me the very first question to be asked would be ‘Why don’t we have a roadmap?’

And the AMA would be over there lol


Most of my experience of AMAs have been lacklustre at best. Past experiences of AMAs where companies are as unwilling to share upcoming features as Wonderstruck has become tells me one of two things typically happens:

  1. The questions are asked and then answered immediately. Mostly the developers are only authorised to answer with generic “soon™” or (less frequently) to confirm that a thing is not happening.

  2. The questions are precompiled and questions that they want to answer are selected, and ones they don’t are quietly ignored.

In either case, there’ll be a few tiny bits of new info, but people leave feeling at best like they haven’t gained much knowledge, and at worst like the developers are obstinately still not telling them what they personally want to know. At the end of the day, if they’re not happy putting it on a roadmap, they’re probably not going to be happy about revealing it in an AMA either.


I’m willing to host a faux AMA. Ask any questions you want about boundless and I will make up answers :blush:


Is it true that is put exotic earthyam and oort shards in the mixer you get food that allows you to warp around Nightcrawler?

what’s “it” all about?

Nope. But if you mix oort amalgam with titan toenails you can warp! It works more like reaper on overwatch though. You need line of sight.



bowl of petunias would have also been accepted


I do not agree, they themselves announce the game as in development on their website and warn of missing features and that will come soon.

In addition, we are directed to this forum to have the information we are requesting at this time.

I don’t understand why this is negative, we are just asking the seller to keep his word as buyers of a product. :man_shrugging:


Oh, I just meant the state of the world, real and game. :>

It’s the same as riding in a car with your parents and saying “are we there yet?” Every 30 seconds, it doesn’t help anything only only stresses them out.

They are working on the game everyday. We don’t have too see or know what that is everyday. The more time they stop work to anwser us, the more questions they get and more time they have to take again to anwser instead of coding work. And then get hit with “why don’t we have it yet?”

We know the game is growing and changing. Hounding the devs doesn’t help them or us.


I don’t see the situation the same way you do, sorry. :man_shrugging: I don’t understand the relationship of this topic in your example.

I am a buyer who bought a product a year ago, a great game in my opinion and that is why I have regularly invested in the game.I have not only invested my money, but a lot of time. I have participated in the forums, trying to help my way in the game as well, bringing supply to demand from basket to basket :mechanical_leg:

I only ask for a minimum of transparency and communication after a year so that I can get a minimum idea of ​​what to expect from the game in the medium-term future.

Some have been 6 years old here and ask for something similar, but you make it sound like children crying. :man_facepalming: man_facepalming: Those who don’t like the game are no longer in these forums. We are neither enemies nor children fighting. Here we love the game and we are passionate about boundless. I wonder how James feels about this and if they hoped to create a work of art that would move passions in this way.

If the developers are as busy and have the same dev-gamer communication vision as you, why don’t they make an official post saying this? they ask for patience themselves and at least we will officially know something. Something official, not rumors released by some elites.

I don’t understand why they don’t do something so basic and let this become a schoolyard with children fighting. All the other games I play, I have constant news about them, their developments, vision, interviews with the developers …, here something smaller is requested and this happens …

In LIF, developers do AMA in this way more or less I think … Let’s see what you think about this:

In the official discord, they open a channel so that people can ask the questions. A player from the community, who is known by all and with a good vibre, with good communication and loved by developers , @majorvex and @bucfanpaka maybe?. They could be in charge of selecting more or less, in coordination with someone from the company, the questions and one selected day they do a live show on Discord and YouTube and they do the interview to @james, they chat for an hour or an hour and a half.

Ee all get a little information about what the future of the game.I’m not asking for technical details or anything like that. Hearing a bit of information about the development team’s vision for the future of the game, some candy to make the wait more bearable and some thought from James about how he currently sees the community or something like that, it is enough for me.

I don’t think it is toxic or harmful, it takes little time and James may not answer if he doesn’t want to or even deflect the answer with the aforementioned candy. I don’t ask for more.

This. Yasssss