Ambient creatures: What would you call our new friend?

Well i still have one slingshot XD
And killedo ne of them :smiley: but… just one… it took 20 ammo XD

Also any way for crafting a chest or think like that?

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no, no chests yet that I’ve seen.

Yeah, I hate to just upfront ask, but devs can you let us know when there are new craftable items?
I know bows and arrows are new :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s clearly a Horknarf :kissing_heart:


I could totally live with that name.

I vote for Chubacabracorn

Teetering BroadHorn. :stuck_out_tongue:

So it’s a bipedal, bouncing ram. Horns, short nose, short tail, and hooves, so some of the crazy things that come to mind are:

(bi)pedal (bou)ncing ra(m) - Biboum
(sho)rt (boun)cy - Shoboun
(ra)m (hoo)ves - Rahoo
(hoo)ves (sh)ort (no)se - Hooshno

Kinda leaning towards a Rahoo. It gives this little guy a “bright personality” kind of name that fits its bouncy nature.


From the journal of Majiel--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was on my third day that I came upon them. Deep in the valley of the mountains laid a verdant vale with craggy boulders and towering trees. It was on my way, coming down from the pass that the first one wandered over to me. I had just started the food to cooking over a low flame, that must have been what attracted it toward me.

A strange creature, bipedal but moving ponderously, Two large horns grew from the top of it’s head, the occasional chip and scratched marks noted that these were used in combat. Tentatively, I gave it some of my stale bread, to which it approached with hesitation and then consumed voraciously.

Before the light faded from the sky it wandered away, taking small jumps over boulders and the like. In the morning I was awoken by a sharp striking sound. I rose from my peaceful reverie to see two of the creatures ramming each other by the head over my pillaged food pack. With quick motion I threw a rock or two to dissuade the creatures, which startled one but struck the other. With a fierce look, the struck creature turned on me, chasing me up a sharp incline to which it could not scale. After some time the creature lost heart and wandered away, however.

I have chosen to call these creatures the Woht, because it is woe to any adventurer who would aggravate these goat-like creatures.


It’s very nice. These are lovely examples to me. I have been going through torments of tauntaulus waiting for a something like that! Hooshno is gorgeous :slight_smile: Gourash is made up of the words gouraud and shading, btw. :grinning:



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Volluminous and levelable.
Long live the rampire of Hooshnu.

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@Lycankind made comparisons to a taun-taun; maybe we just call this shorter version a taun?


10 chars

I’m calling it a Wabobble.

hmmm… Gonzelle?

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Why dont we just call them Dodos?! XDDD


Snozzwangers? Hornswogglers? Whangdoodles? Vermicious Knids?


Ah, I just got a name when I looked at an close up Picture!

What about: Oostroat | Ostrich + Goat with double “O” from Oort.
Or maybe, if you like that better: Oostrat | That might be easier to say :smile:

EDIT: Why can’t I like my own Post like on Facebook?! :smiley:
I want to let people think that my Idea is good! :stuck_out_tongue: